Jun 17 2009, 09:43 PM
Hi everyone,
I've played SR1 and SR2 back in the day, and I'm really excited about Catalyst's release of the 20th Anniversary Edition of SR4. As a result, I'm keen to join a play-by-post campaign that is accepting new players.
You can count on me to contribute a daily post, with a new response within a couple of days at the latest. I'm a veteran tabletop RPGer of 20+ years, but will be getting into SR4 for the first time. I'm hoping to play a robotics scavenger / "rigger" type character for those GMs who are looking to fill such a role in their game.
Please PM me or post in the thread if you're a Dumpshock GM who would like to add a player to fill a seat in your PbP game. Thanks a lot!
Jun 17 2009, 09:57 PM
Welcome to Dump Shock
Hang around and be patient, there are games starting every few weeks, and you'll want to jump in and make yourself known as soon as the recruiting threads go up. There are also games that are looking for new players to join in as well.
Jun 19 2009, 09:56 PM
I'm looking for such a game as well. But I've never played SR. I do have the SR4 core book and lots of roleplaying experience. Is there a thread where GMs looking to fill spots recruit for games already in progress? I haven't noticed one.
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