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Full Version: Canada Roll Call - East and Maritimes
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
I'm from Canada. Over on the East Coast, in Saint John, New Brunswick.
talker.gif Hello out there in canada, I'm looking for all canadian players and gms, to post there location and there favorite archtype. cyber.gif
The Synthcat
I'm from Montreal...

Favorite archetype? Well, riggers are nice... Then again, nothing beats down having your face's contacts do most of the job for you... Though you can also do pretty nice things with magic.

And deckers have lots of potential.

Yeah, I'm a GM.
I'm just outside of Toronto, in a little suburb called Ajax. Though I already have a large group, I always welcome players into our fold. smile.gif

Guelph, Ontario.
I'm from Orillia Ontario (about an hour north of Toronto)
Timmins, Ontario. indifferent.gif If it wasn't for the incredible group here I probably wouldn't have lasted this long.

In spite of the fact that I haven't been able to convince the guys to give SR a go (we've pretty much run the gamut of game settings so it's only a matter of time now *cackles*) I've always loved playing magic users; my cyber mage Morganna being closest to my heart of all of them but I'll play anything....
I'm stil here from time to time, and check in on the forums. Kingston, Ontario. We miss you Morgannah... Had to make any open body tests lately?
Toronto, Ontario here (although I started in Orillia - and i used to IRC game as much as i could back in highschool).
I've thankfully managed to convert several of my friends into SR gamers over the years. I usually GM but enjoy the times when i can kick back and play for a change.
Real life keeps getting in the way of scheduling games, but otherwise things are going pretty well.

(a quick shout out to Mysterio, how goes it chummer?)
Someone else from Orillia on here? Whoa! Hey it goes good, and yourself? What high school and when did you attend?
QUOTE (Adam)
Guelph, Ontario.

I'm based in Kitchener and am currently looking to find a group to join and game with. Any chance your group might have an opening?


QUOTE (Mysterio)
Someone else from Orillia on here? Whoa! Hey it goes good, and yourself? What high school and when did you attend?

same as you. You know me. I'm the one who got DarkJester into SR. *waves*
He'll definitely know 'ChaLk' (i'm being all cryptic cuz...well i feel like it).
feel free to msg/add etc.
peace. wobble.gif
I am in Oshawa. I do not know of anyone else in the area.

Edit: I am totally a street sam at heart
Mister Juan
Montréal, Québec.

Technically, we're part of Canada nyahnyah.gif

Giggles Giggles
Thunder Bay, Ontario here!

Well.....northwestern Ontario, for those of you wondering. About 14 hours from Toronto, lol.
QUOTE (Nyxll)
I am in Oshawa. I do not know of anyone else in the area.

Edit: I am totally a street sam at heart

I once lived in Ajax... now I live in Oshawa.
Calgary, Alberta. (voice echoes into the distance...)
Ottawa. i presume you can all guess the province =P

i prefer awakened types.
Port Hope, 'bout an hour east of Toronto.
I game in Oshawa and Pickering on a fairly regular basis.

My main character started as a sammie and has since adapted to be a face, decker and almost rigger. I have adepts and mages as well, but I tend to stick with Samurai.
Cold Prophecy
Windsor, Ontario here.
I am the Hammer town Hero aka Hamilton Ontario.

hey Rav.....TKO 4 EVER
I'm from Waterloo, Ontario, but I was born and raised in Peterborough. I don't have a group right now (major bummer, since finding one has been tough), but I do some IM gaming. Shadowrun's always going to have a place in my heart, mainly because it was the first game I ever owned, the first game I ever played, the first game I ever GM'd, and the campaigns we ran rate as some of the best I've ever participated in.

Ah, the good ol' days.

Anyway, archtype wise, I always enjoyed Deckers (Hackers now, I guess). I like that kind of flimsy, frail, and yet wholly invaluable for his informative skills type. My first decker was a guy named Wireless Mouse (I think he was the first). Ate pizza all the time and stole data for fun.
Yay, Winnipeg!
QUOTE (Arkangel @ Oct 16 2005, 07:54 PM)
Calgary, Alberta.  (voice echoes into the distance...)

There are at least 6 DSF posters besides yourself in Calgary. Myself, Imperialus (he's another guy in our group, but we're not running SR at the moment), Large_Mike, Ezra (posted in General Gaming about a month back that he'll be moving here and will be looking for an SR group), and a fellow that links in his sig (but i forget his handle at the moment).

I think there is another fellow too, but it slips my mind who.

P.S. It probably didn't help that you posted in a thread dedicated to provinces east of the MB/ON border. wink.gif

EDIT: Ah here we are, Swansonegger and lodestar. MB and west thread. So that makes 9 posters from Calgary....if you count Okotoks. Somehow i think another poster should be in that list too, but it's not coming to me.
Toronto guy here - and always loved Street Shamans from the get go.
Seeing as this thread doesn't seem to want to die, I'll add in my roll-call.
Player/GM in Halifax NS, typically like Deckers (Hackers) and Druid/Hermetic Mages... though I did have a good Adept with a wicked weapon focus katana.
Fav tools: Commlinks/Cyberdecks and Foci. grinbig.gif
Fav cyber: Retinal duplication cybereyes and voice mod. (how better to mimic someone in every way.) cyber.gif
Yup this Runner is in Hamilton Ontario.
Hmm dated 2003 and I never said anything... Well, I'm in Montreal, Quebec.
Sherbrooke, Québec

Don't worry, I can speak english (I bought the skillsoft) cyber.gif

GM. I would like to start something up with you guys from Montréal, as a ShadowrunMission kinda-thing. I'll PM you when I'll be ready with some material to show you.

GM. J'aimerais partir de quoi avec vous, les gars (filles?) de Mtl, un genre de truc à la ShadowrunMission. Je vais vous envoyer un MP quand j'aurais du matériel à vous montrer.

Best Char?...
3rd: Otaku that SURGED and had the 'magical' surge (otaku with astral sight)
4th:Technomancer -or- MysticalAdepts (altho I house rule that MA with the AstralPerception power can actually AstralyPROJECT)
I'm from Toronto, though I was born in Winnipeg. I like to play psychotic razorboys.
man still no one from the Hammer Yet.
Eddie Furious
QUOTE (blakkie @ Nov 20 2005, 12:39 AM)

There are at least 6 DSF posters besides yourself in Calgary.  Myself, Imperialus (he's another guy in our group, but we're not running SR at the moment), Large_Mike, Ezra (posted in General Gaming about a month back that he'll be moving here and will be looking for an SR group), and a fellow that links in his sig (but i forget his handle at the moment).

I think there is another fellow too, but it slips my mind who.

Yeah, that guy with the link in his profile is yours truly.

Also, Brahm (who is going to game with us at least once) is here in Calgary as well.

Oh yeah and check this out...

blakkie and I are on it, why aren't you? talker.gif
Shaman on the mean streets (especially on Boxing Day) of Toronto here.
For any in the Toronto area that care, I am now officially a FanPro Commando and hope to run regular game demos and to attend local Conventions whenever they pop up...

I'm hoping to get some for of Pre-registration page up on my website soon, for any who are interested in coming out for a game.

My Firebase is out in Oshawa, so I'll primarily be in the East end (sorry to all interested west end GTA types...)

Ok..I live in Edmonton, Alberta. looking for a gaming group in that city.
SR13, just post the link and I will check it out, despite the fact I am not GTA resident
My demo pre-reg is on my website (my signature has a link).

My next demo is in two weeks, but I'm doing my best to run one a month. I'm hoping to demo a run at a convention in Hamilton next month and one in Ottawa in May.

Gotta make the rounds... smile.gif

Thanks for this - looking forward to trying to get a game in at Baycon.

QUOTE (Shadowrunner13)
My demo pre-reg is on my website (my signature has a link).

My next demo is in two weeks, but I'm doing my best to run one a month. I'm hoping to demo a run at a convention in Hamilton next month and one in Ottawa in May.

Gotta make the rounds... smile.gif


All Right for a while i thought you wear'nt going to make it.

To bad I definitially going to be working.
At this point, I think the only thing left is to secure daycare for my daughter and I'm good to go for BayCon.

QUOTE (Shadowrunner13)
My demo pre-reg is on my website (my signature has a link).

My next demo is in two weeks, but I'm doing my best to run one a month. I'm hoping to demo a run at a convention in Hamilton next month and one in Ottawa in May.

Gotta make the rounds... smile.gif


What and when is the venue in Hamilton? and Neurotechnofreak says to look him up when you get to Ottawa, he will be there playing mechwarrior.
If I go to Hamilton, it will be at BayCon at the end of the month.

I had planned on talking to NTF regarding CanGames. TW is going to be there as well, so we hope to get together for a few post-run beers after, I think. smile.gif

Platinum, AJCarrington...

My plans for attending BayCon have fallen through. Unfortunately, I will be unable to make it out this year. Everything aligned against me this year...

With any luck, things will work out better next year. frown.gif

Born in Northern Quebec, raised in Halifax, then back to Northern Quebec. Likely heading to Quebec City, Montreal or Sherbrooke when Autumn rolls around.
Any of our resident Quebecers here have any interest in GMing Shadowrun at a convention in Montreal in late September?

If so, could you check out this thread for information and let the guy know that you're up for it. He asked me to GM at the con, but I'm already committed to another convention that weekend.


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