Hi, my name is Saint Guardian. I am posting a request to all Shadowrunner's that live in or near Las Cruces, New Mexico that we are holding open games. We are holding the games every Saturday. Our GMs' have given me permission to post. We are currently running two campaigns with two GM's.
If you wish to attend, leave a post or email at saintguardian@gmail.com for directions and times. Preferrably, it would be best to post on here. I will most likely post every Thursday for the games if we are holding them.
Also, if you have questions for me, please post on here. We are running up-to-date SR4 rules, so the errata is coming into play. We ignore a rule or two due to because there is some old rules that we still like. So ASK if your curious.
Hopefully our team will grow.
Love and peace,