Aug 4 2009, 05:14 AM
hey all,
so i finally found another group that is willing to play srm locally, and i'm in the process of converting my character to the new york campaign, and i had a question: what's the maximum rating you can start with in an adept power? could i (for example) take rank 12 mystic armor to start (assuming that i start with a 6 magic, and pour all my magic into my armor)? or is there a cap somewhere that i just missed (which certain happens)? thanks for your help
Aug 4 2009, 05:50 AM
Any power you have that can be taken in levels you can have, upto the level of your magic, so if you have a 6 magic you can have mystic armor of 6. wow, mmm toss that onto a good set of body armor and your doing well, hehe
Aug 4 2009, 05:52 AM
fair enough. just outta curiousity, however, is there a book reference for that? i checked before asking, and i couldn't find one anywhere. thanks!
Aug 4 2009, 08:35 AM
Sorry my bad, I forget the page number off the top of my head becouse my pdf is on my laptop and i'm on the desk top but its on the first page of adept powers in the SR4A rule book, mainly since Missions i'm told will be going by the 4a rules., grrr want my dead tree
Aug 4 2009, 09:29 AM
lol and now that you mention it, i find it right away! (doh!)
thanks again for your help!
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