Tiger Eyes
Aug 4 2009, 09:56 PM
So... is there anyone around here playing SR in Anchorage? Anyone? Anyone?
Lok1 :)
Aug 5 2009, 01:16 AM
I can't tell you how long I've been looking for someone who plays SR up hear. I live in eagle river and am a highschooler, I play D&D3.5 mostly and my onlyly SR4 experince is a written but never played campagin and a few PBF games. I posses enough knowledge to run or play a game perhaps we could start a game, please post with some more information and we might be able to do something.
Aug 5 2009, 05:01 AM
Tiger--Next time your husband gets stationed somewhere exotic and new, I vote SoCal.
Aug 5 2009, 12:09 PM
If we're taking votes, I'd vote for Greece. I really enjoyed it when I was there
Tiger Eyes
Aug 5 2009, 05:25 PM
QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Aug 5 2009, 12:01 AM)
Tiger--Next time your husband gets stationed somewhere exotic and new, I vote SoCal.
Oh, hush you! I know why you're laughing... (yeah, I'm laughing too)
Anyway. SoCal has big poisonous spiders. And Disneyland. I'll visit Disneyland but I'm not living anywhere with giant poisonous spiders.
Aug 5 2009, 05:31 PM
Poisonous Spiders you say? Better check Alaska again. Its within range
"I can see poisonous spider habitat from my house"
While I have no idea what branch this is for, if its the Air Farce... come to Central(sometimes mistakenly called Northern) CalFree
Nearby StationI only know about that station because we see people in crappy urban camo all lunch long. Often wondering "Are we under siege?"
My group happily accepts Technomancers... having 3.
Aug 5 2009, 06:33 PM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes @ Aug 5 2009, 07:25 PM)
Oh, hush you! I know why you're laughing... (yeah, I'm laughing too)
Anyway. SoCal has big poisonous spiders. And Disneyland. I'll visit Disneyland but I'm not living anywhere with giant poisonous spiders.
Try Germany. Euro-Disney is in the Country Next door, even if that means going to france. And we have no giant poisonous anything here. Neither giant nor poisonous.
Aug 5 2009, 07:27 PM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes @ Aug 5 2009, 01:25 PM)
Anyway. SoCal has big poisonous spiders. And Disneyland. I'll visit Disneyland but I'm not living anywhere with giant poisonous spiders.
I'm guessing the bears, wolves and moose are far more friendly,gentle and SMALLER since I lived up north (Yukon)...
Tiger Eyes
Aug 5 2009, 11:04 PM
QUOTE (BlueMax @ Aug 5 2009, 01:31 PM)
Poisonous Spiders you say? Better check Alaska again. Its within range
"I can see poisonous spider habitat from my house"
While I have no idea what branch this is for, if its the Air Farce... come to Central(sometimes mistakenly called Northern) CalFree
Nearby StationI only know about that station because we see people in crappy urban camo all lunch long. Often wondering "Are we under siege?"
My group happily accepts Technomancers... having 3.
Sorry, my husband's not in the service, he's a part of Corporate America (long live the Megas!). Great promotion but it's in Anchorage...
Tiger Eyes
Aug 5 2009, 11:08 PM
QUOTE (AJCarrington @ Aug 5 2009, 02:27 PM)
I'm guessing the bears, wolves and moose are far more friendly,gentle and SMALLER since I lived up north (Yukon)...
4 legs good, 8 legs bad... I'd rather face down a large carnivore than a small oooky spider. (And what's up with these Moose? The school district has a PDF titled "Playground Safety: Kids and Moose"... that's a bit frightening, isn't it?
Aug 5 2009, 11:29 PM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes @ Aug 5 2009, 03:04 PM)
Sorry, my husband's not in the service, he's a part of Corporate America (long live the Megas!). Great promotion but it's in Anchorage...
Ahh , the word "Stationed" gave me the wrong idea.
Besides, folks are already telling me 6-7 players per session is "too high" for Shadowrun.
/not in my opinion
//just have to know who to whip when
Aug 6 2009, 02:27 AM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes @ Aug 5 2009, 06:08 PM)
4 legs good, 8 legs bad... I'd rather face down a large carnivore than a small oooky spider. (And what's up with these Moose? The school district has a PDF titled "Playground Safety: Kids and Moose"... that's a bit frightening, isn't it?
When you get the chance, be sure to get out and see a live silvertip (grizzly) or better yet, a kodiak...I'll take that 8-legged critter on any day. Kidding aside, you'll likely never have any problems with moose...however...NEVER NEVER get between and momma and little one...would rather take on the grizzly. Moose are simply massive animals - ask around; I'm sure the locals will have all sorts of stories about the moose walking away and the jeep being totaled. All that said, moose meat is pretty tasty...
Out of curiousity, what "kind" of mega: oil / gas / mining?
Tiger Eyes
Aug 6 2009, 03:47 AM
QUOTE (AJCarrington @ Aug 5 2009, 10:27 PM)
Out of curiousity, what "kind" of mega: oil / gas / mining?
Food. Everyone's gotta eat.
Lok1 :)
Aug 6 2009, 03:50 AM
So Tiger, guna take me up on my offer of trying to find some others and start a game or would you perfer to wait for someone older?
Aug 6 2009, 11:14 AM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes @ Aug 5 2009, 10:47 PM)
Food. Everyone's gotta eat.
Cool - I work in the mining industry, so it was a bit of a stretch, but figured I'd ask.
Aug 7 2009, 04:13 PM
QUOTE (Tiger Eyes @ Aug 5 2009, 11:47 PM)
Food. Everyone's gotta eat.
Not AI. -
Aug 7 2009, 05:09 PM
QUOTE (Warlordtheft @ Aug 7 2009, 11:13 AM)
Not AI. -
Unless they're mungeing feral AIs.
Lok1 :)
Aug 7 2009, 11:06 PM
the abilty of this fourms to stay on topic is insurmotable.
Aug 7 2009, 11:56 PM
I agree, and for analysis on politics and religion in the context of violence in India, I prefer Hansen over Stepputat.
Aug 8 2009, 11:30 PM
I just found this thread, but to anyone still reading this we have a established SR4 game groupe in Anchorage we meet every other Sunday. Let me know if you are interested.
Tiger Eyes
Aug 9 2009, 01:41 AM
So, two people in the Anchorage area who play Shadowrun. Yea! Even if Lok1 is a teenager. (j/k Lok1, I appreciate the offer, even if I've been playing SR as long as you've been alive...
). So, can either of you tell me if there are gaming stores in Anchorage? I have at least 6 weeks until we move up there and it's not the kinda thing I can ask the executive relocation specialist.
Lok1 :)
Aug 9 2009, 01:57 AM
Well, theres bosco's but they dont have any shadowrun stuff. (exept an ocasionaly used rollbook from a previus addition)
Hears the website:http://www.boscos.com/
Their more a comic store than anything, great if you like graphic novels
And Sean, I'm intrested in joining your group, if I can convince my folks. Care to give me more information?
Aug 9 2009, 03:52 AM
Hey, Lok1! What does your Local Area Knowledge Test say about Mad Al's, Wayne's World, and Northwind Kites and Games?
Congrats for making the move!
Tiger Eyes
Aug 9 2009, 07:59 PM
Oh, and for Lok! & AlaskaSean,
(totally not on SR topic, but we've already established that dumpshock cannot stay on topic)
What would you say about the schools and neighborhoods of Eagle River vs. say, SE or SW Anchorage? (Elementary specifically, but always good to hear about High Schools). What is the commute like from Eagle River to Anchorage?
Tiger Eyes
Aug 23 2009, 05:28 AM
Okay, put an offer on a house in Anchorage. We've been up house hunting all week. Ate at the Moose's Tooth. I guess this move is really going to happen! Egads!!!
(this is the sound of me taking really deep breaths)
Aug 23 2009, 12:28 PM
Good luck in the move!
Lok1 :)
Aug 23 2009, 08:33 PM
The mooses tooth? Nice I've lived hear almost my wholl life and I've only just eaten their once. Congrats on the move and hopefully something will come of sean's shadowrung game. (I've been to bussy to look into latly)
Tiger Eyes
Aug 24 2009, 03:44 PM
It looks like we'll be moving up there sometime in late October or early November.
Sep 12 2009, 04:40 AM
Seasonal Anchorage resident here. There are people in the city who play. That's for sure. The group I play with hasn't run much in the way of shadowrun, but we all love the system. I can put you in touch with the members who are there if you'd like. We're all college age, if that's an issue. But unfortunately it means that 2 of us who would be more enthusiastic about making a game work are out of state attending universities.
As for you're question about schools, (I realize it may be a little late as you mentioned that you have already picked out a house) I don't know much about the Eagle river area, but parts of South Anchorage are considered the nicer, and certainly wealthier parts of town. Its unfortunate, but the better schools seem to be correlated with the more economically advantaged areas. In particular the Hillside area of SE Anchorage and the Bayshore area of SWish Anchorage have a reputation as being the more affluent areas and having the better schools. You may also want to look into the many optional/non-traditional programs that the School district runs. It is my impression that they tend to be better than the normal neighborhood schools, but I may be biased as I am a graduate of one myself. I think that generally the schools in town are pretty good and its possible to get a good education at most of them, with the exception of the local universities, hence the out of state residence.
For any of you who want to be put in contact with some occasional SR players in the anchorage area, email me at aku190 [at] yahoo [dot com, if it needs stating] and I'll open a line of communication.
(I'm not on dumpshock enough to notice replies or PMs...)
Tiger Eyes
Sep 21 2009, 12:20 AM
Excellent, thank you. I'm moving this Thursday... going to need my SR fix.
Oct 9 2009, 01:40 AM
Sorry for the late post, been busy. Tiger Eyes look in to the charter or optional schools. They are public funded schools run like private schools. Smaller classes, better teachers, better community involvement, and such. I work at a middle school and my daughter goes to a optional elementary school, and I would have it no other way. As far as which schools are better it truth the "rich" side of town is not any better than the "Poor" side of town. As a matter of fact the "rich" or South side of town has a HUGE gang problem right now where the "Poor" or north and east sides have brand new state of the art schools with the highly trained staff. In reality its a toss up, there are the same problems at all the schools, no matter which side of town they are on. And we are still looking for a player or two, I am on my e-mail more than here: alaska.sean@gmail.com, if anyone is still looking for a game hit me up.
Tiger Eyes
Oct 10 2009, 08:36 PM
Email sent.
Lok1 :)
Oct 14 2009, 05:59 AM
Email Sent.
Lok1 :)
Oct 14 2009, 06:00 AM
PS: Tiger eyes, avoid anchorage catholic schools like the plauge, are you moveing to anchorage or anchorage area? If your near eagle river, chugiak high and mirror lake middle school are both good schools.
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