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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
Forgive me if this has been covered already, but is there any plans for a 4th Edition NSRCG? I had immense luck with the original program, and enjoyed using it. I have had little to no luck with XLS 4th edition generators, and frankly they're not user friendly to me. (That's not me trying to say they're bad, rather I'm pretty tech ignorant so I'm too stupid to use an Excel Spreadsheet, and most of my players feel the same way.)

Thanks in advance for any help.
SR4 NSRCG would be great, but I doubt it will ever happen. In the meantime, you can use DaisyBox's SR4CG - it isn't perfect, but it's very good and getting better all the time.

Incidentally, have you ever tried using an Excel chargen? They operate just like a normal program. You don't need any sort of special knowledge to use them, as they calculate everything for you.
As I mentioned in my first post I've had really bad luck with Excel based programs, which is why I was looking for something else. I'll look at the DBSR4CG, and see if it's what I'd like from a CG.
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