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Full Version: Banned until 2021
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So my other account, Paul, is banned until 2021. May 6th I believe. Now I admit I was a prick, and deserved a suspension-but 2021 seems excessive. Of course it's been like five years since I last logged in-and while I'm sure this is technically a violation of To I hope it will be understood it's not meant in a mean spirited way.

At any rate, is it possible to fix this?
It's in discussion, Paul.
Looking in the admin console, the account "Paul" is neither banned, nor restricted from posting.... When you try to log in do you get an error then or when you try to post?
Wow! What did he do? I don't want to approach that behaviour with an 11 foot Hungarian.
No one likes a suck ass.

QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 19 2009, 02:19 PM) *
Looking in the admin console, the account "Paul" is neither banned, nor restricted from posting.... When you try to log in do you get an error then or when you try to post?

It's says I'm banned until May 6th 2021.

In fact:

The error returned was:

Your account has been temporarily suspended. This suspension is due to end on May 6 2021, 10:58 PM.

To check--since the question doesn't seem to be asked...

SeriousPaul, are you attempting to log in as Paul, RunnerPaul, something else?
My original account was "Paul", I re-registered with my current account "SeriousPaul" this week. I believe RunnerPaul is a different guy, who seems nice enough.
Ok. I finally found where the option was. It was in a different place than we normally use... One of the 'multiple ways to skin a cat' deals.

Let me know when you've transitioned and I will lock the 'SeriousPaul' account.
QUOTE (Redjack @ Aug 21 2009, 05:14 AM) *
Ok. I finally found where the option was. It was in a different place than we normally use... One of the 'multiple ways to skin a cat' deals.

Let me know when you've transitioned and I will lock the 'SeriousPaul' account.

Holy shit. The first thing that came to my mind was: How many other accounts have been similarly renditioned?

But I think the real question here is: Which admin'd actually suspended an account for 10+ years?! WTF?
I blame Bull...but he said I'd be banned by the time I came back from GenCon...biggrin.gif

Hush Bishop smile.gif

Banned accounts are designed to be permanent bans. SUspensions are the temp ones that expire. Thus the crazy, far off date. (Not sure the software actually handles "Forever")

Anyways, in this case, Paul hadn't really done anything to warrent a ban per se, except that he got in an altercation with a Moderator after receiving a warning. He lost his temper, was more than a bit rude, and told the Mod to go ahead and ban him (among a couple other things). Which the mod did.

We've discussed it, talked with the Mod and Paul, and now Paul's back. End of story. Now everyone play nice smile.gif


Now everyone play nice

but where's the fun in that? ._.
QUOTE (SeriousPaul @ Aug 20 2009, 04:06 PM) *
I believe RunnerPaul is a different guy, who seems nice enough.

I don't know whether I should feel complimented by that opinion, or confused as to why you only 'believe' that I'm not you. I'm leaning to the former, so thank you.
It was meant to be a compliment, with out too much ass kissing. I try to give credit where credit is due.
Paul/Runner Paul is like Two-Face. He's the same guy, he just flips a coin to see which of his personalities posts wink.gif
I'm afraid now that you know it's imperative that you report for termination Citizen. Ironically I think I know some Gangsta Disciples in your neck of the woods... nyahnyah.gif
QUOTE (RunnerPaul @ Aug 25 2009, 09:57 AM) *
I don't know whether I should feel complimented by that opinion, or confused as to why you only 'believe' that I'm not you.

QUOTE (Paul @ Aug 25 2009, 08:37 PM) *
I'm afraid now that you know it's imperative that you report for termination Citizen.

Then again, maybe I've changed my mind. Death's too quick.
Ol' Scratch
Okay, that one confused me, too. I think he's asking to have Search limits removed for unregistered members, though I have no idea why that 20 second rule or whatever is a big deal to anyone other than botters and spammers.
It does suck if you're looking for something. But then that only happens in spurts, so I guess I have no choice but to live with it.
QUOTE (Dr. Funkenstein @ Nov 18 2009, 05:45 PM) *
Okay, that one confused me, too. I think he's asking to have Search limits removed for unregistered members, though I have no idea why that 20 second rule or whatever is a big deal to anyone other than botters and spammers.

20 seconds is long enough to be possible to run into legitimately; it mostly bugs me when I make an error in defining my search terms and only realize it after the query is sent. The "we can't be bothered to discard small words ourselves, let's throw you to an error page and make you back up and reformat your query" issue is far more obnoxious.

Ol' Scratch
It's annoying, but not a big deal. Especially at the safeguard of keeping people (and especially botters) from bogging down the entire forum through repeated searches.
Well, right, but that only applies if the searches are genuinely expensive enough that a shorter limit would actually open up an effective DOS vector. Again, it's not the most pressing problem in the world, but it's not clear that the tradeoff is convenience for robustness as opposed to convenience for nothing.

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