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Full Version: Single-map game servers
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Seriously, what is the point of this? One of the major selling points of multiplayer PC games (at least for me) is that you can change out the scenario quickly and easily, so why the hell would you configure your server to play the same map over and over?
Caine Hazen
To keep people out who don't want to play the same map over and over... who knows, people do things for their own reason. Don't play on their servers, I'm sure they'll not mind.
QUOTE (Caine Hazen @ Aug 24 2009, 08:56 PM) *
To keep people out who don't want to play the same map over and over... who knows, people do things for their own reason. Don't play on their servers, I'm sure they'll not mind.

what Caine said. If you don't wanna play, then don't. I play team fortress 2 and there's quite a few servers (some groups host several of them) that are dedicated 24/7 on a particular map or two. Pick and choose, if you wanna join a particular server then go for it. If not, I'm sure they're not gonna complain about you not joining them.
I play a TF2 map all the time that only plays 2 Fort. When I want to get into a game for less than 20 minutes, I don't want to suffer minutes of time lost in map switch.

And before you go trying to change the servers, remember:

"I dun told you not to touch that darn thing!"

QUOTE (BlueMax @ Aug 24 2009, 09:45 PM) *
I play a TF2 map all the time that only plays 2 Fort. When I want to get into a game for less than 20 minutes, I don't want to suffer minutes of time lost in map switch.

And before you go trying to change the servers, remember:

"I dun told you not to touch that darn thing!"


LOL BlueMax

I totally agree about load time. I like to see the map reload occasionally (even if its 24/7 for one map only) to reset the scores.

@OP: I have a couple buddies who are diehard 2fort fans. Except, they play every version of 2fort they can find: Sunrise, Rainy, Night (Night is really good, IMO). Another buddy greatly prefers Payload maps over everything else.

My big gripe are the maps that have no defined win condition, or a win condition that is so absurd that it'll never really happen. I found a French 2fort server once that had no time limit and no capture limit. You literally could not win, regardless of how well you were doing!

QUOTE (BlueMax @ Aug 24 2009, 09:45 PM) *
I play a TF2 map all the time that only plays 2 Fort. When I want to get into a game for less than 20 minutes, I don't want to suffer minutes of time lost in map switch.

And before you go trying to change the servers, remember:

"I dun told you not to touch that darn thing!"

This is pretty much the reason. Very few online games have a way to tell you if map voting is enabled for map switching. I've joined servers that were about to end expecting one map, then have it end to go to a different map.

When I played BF2 I had one server on my favorites list that did nothing but Strike at Karkand with vehicles disabled. It's one of my favorite maps and it has my favorite option (no vehicles). Sometimes you want to play something different, sometimes you have a very specific taste. It's the latter that drives single map servers.
My current computer sucks and it's waaaaay down on the list of things to spend money on so I mostly play TF2 on the x-box and I flat refuse to acknowledge the existance of any map but dustbowl in that limited worldview.

I've also really fell in love with the game again now that I can completely block demo men from my server.
QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Aug 28 2009, 10:25 PM) *
My current computer sucks and it's waaaaay down on the list of things to spend money on so I mostly play TF2 on the x-box and I flat refuse to acknowledge the existance of any map but dustbowl in that limited worldview.

I've also really fell in love with the game again now that I can completely block demo men from my server.

heh, demoman, hard to master but once you can cause lots of hurtin'. I think my roommate mentioned how some league play limits demomen to only 2 per side because of how devastating they can be in chokepoints and at cap points.
You really haven't enjoyed dustbowl till you've played the payload version of it, I think nowadays it's called dbheights servers. Get you computer updated! nyahnyah.gif
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