Burning Bridges: can be tough, if you are in a coin flip as to whether you should bump up your table rating, you may want to pass if you are combat heavy. I personally would recommend playing this if you can qualify table level 3 or higher, as the end result will seem more natural-- it is something that would require experienced Runners.
Fire Storm: Excellent mod, very fun. Seemed to be wide open enough to allow tables heavy in any particular speciality to still play smart and get through it w/ a nice "win" feeling. I can think of several archtypes that would be of use here, that often are sidelined. Because of this, if you have a table of specialist, bump your Rating. If you are more broadly skilled (Red Mages/Bards), play as is.
Jacknifed: Neat twist of the usual scene progression. Some interesting plot pivets that let this stand out as something fresh, mission wise. I'd bump my table rating if I was undecided.
Not sure how the community values this kind of brief comments on the mods. We used to back channel this stuff via email during SRM00 days between Central Florida and Miami groups-- I figured I'd share on the boards, in case someone wanted. Had we had this knowledge, we'd have ran Bad Day at a higher level (5)
EDIT: Oops, I remembered someone reading "Bad Day" in the last month or so... maybe that was one of the last SRM02's I played before the move to NYC. Jacknifed was the other mod.