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Full Version: Geek.Kon 2009
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Convention Information
From the official site:

What is GEEK.KON you ask? Why, it's Madison Wisconsin’s own con for all things geek! Our three-day con is striving to provide a gathering place where all geeks can find their own PG-13 geek fun.

One of the guests is game industry writer Matt Forbeck. Raven Software will also be there, along with a few other interesting guests. I'll be doing my "Shadowrun According to Aaron" seminar there.

Some links:
Official site:

I am so going to be there and recording the Seminar for the show. Plus I will be doing a general writeup for the con on Hiddengrid
I've got a small group, maybe 3-5 that might be coming up. It's my birthday weekend, and Geek.Kon could be a fun way to spend it.
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