Aug 21 2003, 11:09 AM
OK guys and gals, just a little posting because I still don't know what the FUBAR is happening with the previously planned GENCON UK move to Amsterdam for the Easter of 2004.
I went to the last UK one over the Easter 2003 weekend in London and I'm still none the wiser if they intend to continue with their plans for relocation to the continent next year or whether the organisers have pulled out of hosting one over this side of the pond because the last one was not as profitable as they expected.
Does anybody know anything at all???
I'm also wondering if there is going to be a spare "slot" weekend if they have pulled out of running a UK event of such prominence - there's still a market for a big early September event over here and I'm interested in finding out if anyone is taking up the opportunity.
Aug 21 2003, 11:20 AM
The official news that went out by the organization is that GenCon UK/Europe is being suspended for at least the next couple of years. Something to do with the last UK one not living up to its potential and they're weary of taking risks with the slumping economy. That was sent out right after GenCon UK this year, I don't know if they have changed there views since...
Aug 22 2003, 01:39 PM
Cheers there Synner - guess I'll have to keep my peepers peeled. Anyone else got anything to add - are there any other large UK conventions going on?
Drain Brain
Oct 7 2003, 08:40 AM
Oct 7 2003, 09:19 AM
Cheers there Synner - guess I'll have to keep my peepers peeled. Anyone else got anything to add - are there any other large UK conventions going on? |
Try Conception it is happening in March this year (usually its in Feb) near Bournemouth. Accommodation is cheap and the atmosphere is great - more community minded.
The web site is here: I believe it has been having problems of late so they put up a temporary mirror site here: plan to run some Shadowrun: Missions at Conception and I would be glad to have some players.
BTW did you get to play any Shadowrun at GenCon Europe 2003? I was there and participated in the only SR slot with just one other player. I also GMed a game for the same player and GM.
Did you take part in the Shadowrun LARP that myself and Mystery In Mind ran?
Oct 7 2003, 04:06 PM
Hoi there DigitalMage, cheers for the info Term. I have contacts down Bournemouth way - heck, one of them actually managed to get himself elected as the Lib Dem representative for the area!
As for the last UK GenCon & SR - I was that GM Term. Cheers for the game you ran later on though, it helped me get through the weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't get the opportunity to attend the LARP SR event due to lack of funds and that I had to sort out the other slots I was suppossedly GMing for. As it happened you two were the only players that I had all weekend! Oh well, next time is going to be better.
Oct 7 2003, 04:21 PM
As for the last UK GenCon & SR - I was that GM Term. |
Ah ha! I did wonder. Thanks for the game, I don't often get a chance to actually play Shadowrun rather than GM.
Maybe I will see you at Conception!
Oct 7 2003, 04:41 PM
Watch out for the hat - the HAT!
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