Ok, so I want to start an Eclipse Phase game, to be played via a Chat program (openRPG but I'm flexible). Before getting to the question of setting, there are a few important points I want potential players to know and understand:
1) Games will be on either Wednesday, Thursday or Friday night, on Eastern time. This is not flexible.
2) Frequency will be once, maybe twice a month. Yes, this is low, but that's how it is.
3) Chat games are usually 1/3 to 1/5th of the speed of a live-voice game, so be prepared for that. They are however infinitly faster than PbP!
4) The game may expand to Voice-based (Skype) at a later time, so at least be willing to do this, and have proper equipement or be able to acquire proper equipement.
5) I'm in it for the long haul. The campaign WILL last several months and can probably last over a year.
6) It's ok to want to drop out the game at any time, be it loss of interest or new RL restrictions. That's fine, but talk to me about it. I won't send hitmen after you. I WILL send hitmen after you if you drop off the face of the planet without any explanation.
Ok, so that's all my personal caveats. As to the fun stuff, I am pretty open to setting ideas. One idea I've been considering is a game where the players would be agents for the Venus independance movement - so a game of political intrigue, spying, covert sabotage, etc. But we can hash around ideas.
So, any interest?