Jan 29 2004, 12:59 AM
Grettings all my shadowrunning friends. I run a Shadowrun RPG over MIRC, and I'm looking for another player or two to round things off. Our current team is lined up like this...
Belle "Shadow Wing" Anderson- Human Combat Decker
Tiffany Niach- Human Face
Dax- (guess who =P) Elf Rigger
Durriel- Human Street Samurai with a very odd taste for slushies
Pandora Apollo- Elf Sun Shamaness
Naruko- Elf Covert Ops Specialist
The group is almost entirely newbies to Shadowrun, so a few people with some experiance wouldn't be to bad. But I have to admit, my guys have picked up on the setting rather quickly. So, anyone who might be interested please contact me, either by responding to this thread, emailing me at err151@stu.aii.edu, or by AIMing me at Garshrink Grimjaw. And I'll see you on the forums.
Feb 1 2004, 06:07 PM
When do you play? and in whet timezone? Just thought I'd ask the info everyone is prolly waiting for *8->
Jason Farlander
Feb 1 2004, 06:18 PM
Answers to Callidus's questions would be nice, as well as: what style of game are you running? what house rules do you use? what is the frequency of play? what chargen methods do you accept? (my SR group just fell apart
Right. I probably should have made that clear in the first post sorry bout that. We play weekly on Sunday evenings, starting at 8:00 eastern standard time and running until we can't stay awake anymore.
As far as style...well...I'm not entirely sure really. I try to follow what's been printed about Shadowrun as closely as I can. Though I do try and stay informal and player friendly.
We haven't had a use for any house rules....yet. Though if you got any that you think would work, I'd be glad to hear them.
Character Generation can be done either Priority System, or Building Points System, all meta-variants, SURGE mutations, Otaku, Ghoul, and Shapeshifter options are allowed, but all characters are subject to final GM appoval.
Feb 4 2004, 06:02 AM
Damn, Id love to offer my service but knowing me I would forget to show up and start playing.
No seriosly though, That does sound nice. If you still have room at the end of the week I'll submit a character.
Jason Farlander
Feb 4 2004, 06:45 AM
For the time being my sunday evenings/monday mornings are wide open, so sure... I'll make up a character. I've never played a game on mIRC, though I do have a basic familiarity with the program and such. Is there a specific dice roller program that you recommend/require?
I'll probably play a human full hermetic, heavy on illusion and control manip spells. You seem to have most of the other bases covered.
Well Bums I'd be glad to have you. If you got AIM I'll most likely be on there tonight, so feel free to ping me about your character and such.
And Jason, I like the sound of your character. Though if you wanna ping me tonight as well, that'd be fine.
Feb 25 2004, 11:53 PM
I am curious as to how you handle online gaming.
Feb 26 2004, 10:37 PM
I would like to play also. Please send me the details(Mirc channels etc) to carlmaxbobojr@yahoo.com if spots are still open, thanks!!
Feb 26 2004, 11:45 PM
Hey, I have a good Rigger waiting, if there isn't too many already.
I'm interested as well.
Mar 5 2004, 07:09 AM
I know this is a tad late in the game, but if you're still taking players, well . . . uh, there's me. Of course, I'd have to find out if your current game fits my schedule first, so if you could e-mail me at ajmobley@earthlink.net, I'd be much obliged.
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