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Full Version: New Public IRC Server
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Community Projects
While it’s not completely official yet because I’m still waiting on the powers that be to make the changes and approvals, what will hopefully be the new Dumpshock IRC is up and running, however at the moment it’s only accessible directly through the IP address.

It currently has almost no population to it as I've only recently brought it on-line and finished testing it. A couple of things I’d like to point out about the new server. First, this is not ran off of someone’s home computer, it is on an actual host. Second, not only is the server capable of supporting 512 users (not that we’ll need that many) it also has complete servers available such as nickserv and chanserv.

That said, I'd also like to request that you only register your nickname, and to limit the number of game character names you register. Also registering a name for the purpose of preventing it's rightful owner from using it will also not be tolerated.

IP Address:
Port: 7500

Note: This is not the default port for IRC, if you cannot connect to the server be sure to check your port address. This was done to help prevent potential trouble with irc spambots.
I've joined up as Symmetry, but there doesn't seem to be any channels whatsoever - therefore, I've started up #Dumpshock.
#Bulldrek and #Shadowrun are always open, I tend to sit in those to make sure they're up. There is also a #Dumpshocked which Bull has taken to hanging out in, and of course, #Dumpshock
QUOTE ([jackal] @ Sep 28 2009, 07:26 PM) *

#Bulldrek and #Shadowrun are always open, I tend to sit in those to make sure they're up. There is also a #Dumpshocked which Bull has taken to hanging out in, and of course, #Dumpshock

#Dumpshocked is actually more of a holdover from the other IRC siute you guys were hanging on, from when I'd log in there. I have it set up to autojoin certain channels to save me some hassle ;)

ANyways, I'll be hanging around IRC for the next few days at least to chat when I can. We're hitting a deadline crunch for Issue 1 of the Dumpshock Data Haven, so I'll likely be working on that some, but feel free to stop in and say "hey".

We'll make a more formal announcement once all the kinks are worked out (WHich they mostly seem to be) and we get the domain name set up. smile.gif

Just a suggestion - could you make /ns, /os, /cs, and /ms parse to /msg nickserv/operserv/chanserv/memoserv respectively? That's a feature of another IRC network I frequent and it's handy for registering channels, IDing yourself, and such.
I could check on adding that, it could be a feature of the specific IRCd as well. I'm using UnrealIRCd with Anope services.

Edit: Correction, not of the IRCd itself but of the services. I'm looking into it though.

Edit 2: Yeah, should be able to do that, it might force a server restart so I'm going to look into it and implement it sometime late at night.

Edit 3: Scratch that, I just implemented it.

Why yes, the server does allow /ns, /cs, and /ms.... wink.gif
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