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Got a few questions relating to me not understanding the text smile.gif

What is BB short for ?

What is gridlock ? (i have a vague idea here but uncertain)

I think these were mentioned in the legwork section.

Ok, gridlock is a trafficjam.

The BB is mentioned in this sentance:

"..., she ended their
business arrangement and brought in
the BBs to fill the void."

Gridlock is a kind of traffic jam caused by traffic on one block backing up far enough that cars are stopped in the previous intersection, which stops any traffic from moving on the cross street. Eventually those both have enough stopped cars that they block their respective cross streets. The process propagates in basically every direction, but the end result is a traffic jam in a traditionally laid out rectangular grid city that prevents anyone from moving that covers many, many, many blocks.

Based on the sentence fragment, and my memory of playing the mission a few weeks ago, I'd guess the BBs are a gang of some sort.
The BBs are a sub-gang of the Fronts, a major street gang in Denver (on par with the Ancients in Seattle). Information about them can be found in the Denver boxed set and SRM 02-10 Twist and Insult,

The full sentence is: “The Godz used to make a pretty profit protecting her incoming shipments. A few weeks ago, she ended their business arrangement and brought in the BBs to fill the void.” The Godz are also a street gang in Denver. They can be prominent players in 02-04 Thrash the Body Electric.

Both the Godz and Fronts are Factions which characters in the Denver Missions can earn as allies or enemies. Additional information about Denver and the SRM 02 arc was published in the Q1 2006 Commando Quarterly. The Denver article can be found HERE.

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