A Bit on the Project
I am simply labeling locations by the information given. I am trying not to guess which buildings on the map actual house these businesses (unless it's obvious like the Space Needle). If I'm given a crossroad, say 3rd Avenue and Pike Street, then the label goes on that intersection.
Some locations are not given crossroads or addresses; they're just said to be on a street. Those locations are not getting mapped for now. Maybe I'll pester Adam and the gang for more info later but they've got bigger things to worry about.
Here's what I've got so far. Tonight I'm cranking out plenty more; maybe even the rest. And yes, I will make a master map with all of the locations but since the computer that I'm working on current is a POS I need to do it in chunks. Also, some of these maps are not centered correctly; I'll relink them after I'm done.
Seattle Downtown - RAM Hog
I've got plenty. Here's the short list:
Seattle Piers
There are a lot of references to Pier 63 and 64 as well as a hand full of others. I've researched them a bit and my current maps reflect this.
How I hate thee, Bellevue. Evidently Bellevue eats Kirkland in the future which leads to a bit of confusion. This one is going to take me a while. Plus there are quite a few businesses that are not given crossroads or addresses.
Not an issue, more of an observation. There are a few businesses that exist IRL in Seattle but some of have moved a block from where they are now; farther in some other cases. I unserstand moving a few of them but some of the changes make no sense.