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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
Well, I'm back. grinbig.gif

I'll spare all of you the mushy details about how glad I am to be back around here so cutting to the chase, I'm just going to say that I would love to start a game here and I'm looking for 5-6 good, experienced characters to do it....

Not interested? That's okay.

Interested? Let me know here, via PM, or send me an e-mail.

smile.gif The setting will be (you guessed it) Seattle, 2060. (Tuesday, December 28th, to be specific.)

smile.gif All character types are welcome so long as the character is well thought out. I'm not as familiar with deckers as I'd like to be so I can't promise a lot of action in that respect.

smile.gif Looking for 'hardened' characters. (READ: 75-100 karma each. Characters created from starting will be given additional karma/resources to become comparable based on background and overall concept ONLY. Preferred chargen methods are priority system and point-build with 123 points.)

smile.gif "Combat gore-machines" are expected though not required; depth, problem solving, and general 'good roleplaying' are what I'd really like to see.

Let me know if I've forgotten anything, hmm?

<edit: The mature themes herein may offend some viewers ... consider this your first and only warning. embarrassed.gif devil.gif >
Digital Heroin
Given the date, one of the characters I've wanted to play for some time, but never been able too play would work. I've got heavy background for her, but she's never been played. The hope I have is that the background will be enough for at least Initiation (she's an Adept).

Ok... so there's a sticky point... one of her items of Metamagic is custom. Backstory explains how she came to learn it, and I have basic mechanics worked out, so it would just need your OK.

As for combat, oh she's combat oriented alright. biggrin.gif Now, here's a question. Do you allow for Aptitude to be applied to combat skills?
Apititude is fine for one skill (any more and your character is just exceptional, right?).

I'll allow most things with a good story behind them so long as they're not any more game-altering than I'm prepared to deal with. This means you're free to submit anything for my perusal and I'll get back to you fairly quickly. wink.gif
Digital Heroin
*steeples fingers Mr. Burns style* Excellent... and joyously I found the character. As it stands she's got 42 Karma... I just need to re-write her history, and I'll send her your way. *eyes the mature theme disclaimer* Oooh... and I can add in my little twist too...
phelious fogg
Im interested, I have a character too, but without Karma. The character has been put on various board runs that have never panned out after a few posts. Sigh.. Anywho I'll send you him in an email later today.
I'll throw my hat in with Skee, my Fox shaman (natch). I'll have to modify him to take the extra karma into consideration, but it shouldn't be all that difficult. You can find his (basic) stat sheet here. I'll get the modified one to you sometime this weekend.
Can we spend karma on extra starting cash?
Sending a Rigger you're way.
Pmed a Street Sam to you. He doesn't have as much Karma but I'm sure we can work something out... grinbig.gif
Wow ... I didn't expect such a response so quickly! grinbig.gif

I'm a little busy right now but I'll get back to all of you tonight. Thanks for the enthusiasm and keep sending 'em in!!!

How about Flair? She just needs a little beefing up and she's good to go. smile.gif
I don't know how many you're planning on running for, but I'd like very much to be involved. My main concept is a physad, which I can send with background if there's still space open - However, If needed, I could play an Intrusion focused Decker.

- Wailer
All right, I've received initial characters from Smed, Shadow, Fallon Blackthorne, and Spookymonster; we're still waiting on Digital Heroin and phelious fogg. biggrin.gif

Grey, don't worry about extra cash; you'll receive a variable amount of nuyen based on your character concept and background. Same goes for karma. Send me a character and we'll see what we can do. grinbig.gif

Flair? Flair.... Now where have I heard that name before .... nyahnyah.gif Go for it, Fortune; let's hope that the Scottish Lady hasn't cursed her.

Send me whatever you wish to play most, Wailer, and we'll have a look at what needs to be done. I would much rather have a group of players playing what they want than have a so-called "well rounded party."

Thanks, all of you, for showing such an interest as well as for reacting so quickly. I'll set the player cap here (nine is sort of like seven ... spin.gif ) although any player that decides not to participate as of now may (or may not) be replaced.
Cool. I'll get my butt in gear and give her a polish before sending her your way.

By the way, welcome back. It's good to see you around these parts again smile.gif
Had a PC crash the other day right after I finished Skee. I should be back up and running tonight. I'll send it to you then.
Spooky, who you playin man?
Do you still need players?
I've got guys kicking around needing to be played who are at or around the level you're talking about.
Digital Heroin
Did you receive my copy of O'riley? Pretty sure I sent the message along.
QUOTE (Fallon_Blackthorne)
Spooky, who you playin man?

Skee, but with more karma smile.gif.
Kewl Spooky... I'm playin Fallon with a lot less karma... should be interesting.
Hey Morgannah, just wondering if you've recieved the Character and Background.

I am not sure if we are starting as a team or anything, Morgannah? If we are we may want to give eachother the run down on our characters before hand. Let us know, soka?
Anyone heard from Morgannah since January 31?
Nope, unfortunately. frown.gif
I'm sorry guys, but I'm going to have to put this on hold until winter's end. This is the first chance I've had to be online in weeks and it's only after a $15 cab ride to a friend's house that I've been able to make it at all. I have characters from everyone and in an ideal situation we will be ready to go in a month or two. As pissed as I'm sure a lot of you are, it's pretty crappy for me too, given that I finally thought I'd be back online after who knows how long....

Sorry for the inconvenience.
It's cool. Just hurry back, cause we miss you. smile.gif
QUOTE (Morgannah)
I'm sorry guys, but I'm going to have to put this on hold until winter's end...

Winter ends??? Seriously, be safe and get back to us when you can.

QUOTE (Shadow @ Feb 11 2004, 12:10 PM)
Winter ends???

Heh, that's the rumour anyway.... ohplease.gif

Thank you both for replying and thank you all for your patience.
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