Jan 30 2004, 07:27 PM
Green Ronin is going to release a d20 conversion of the Black Company world.
As much as I loe the idea of playing in that world (which totally kicks) I can't stand the idea of having the Lady being a level sixty caster.
And you know they're going to have rules for playing as the Taken or the Circle of Eighteen's power levels.
And that's just plain out bad news.
Jan 30 2004, 07:52 PM
Well, Green Ronin has been one of the companies that released classless/levelless d20 compatible material in the past [Mutants and Masterminds - technically OGL but they marketed it as d20 until the 11th hour...] so it's possible that they're going to do something like that with it; d20 compatible but not really D&D.
Jan 30 2004, 07:58 PM
They also released d20 modern.
Do I need to say more?
Jan 30 2004, 08:21 PM
Err, no. d20 Modern was a WotC product. d20 Modern Firearms was a Green Ronin product.
Jan 30 2004, 09:54 PM
I have faith that Green Ronin will do a good job. It would be pretty cool to see how Croaker would look like, statted out. And, I've yet to see any Green Ronin product panned. All have done fairly well, in fact.
Jan 31 2004, 01:57 AM
I'm really worried about how their going to do the magic system. That's pretty much it.
actually, i really like the wealth bonus system. it allows you to very quickly and easily scale prices to the income level of your group, and precludes the need for rules for playing the stock market, etcetera.
as far as the magic system goes--make Detect Magic a class ability for all spellcasters, and i think you've pretty much got it. maybe change the Detect Magic spell/ability to involve and opposed caster level check; if your check is high enough, you can ground a spell through the caster you're rolling against.
Feb 9 2004, 03:38 PM
If I remember the Black Company series, magic never manifested itself on a regular basis on the individual level.
Feb 11 2004, 02:28 AM
eh? the whole series was filled with magical attacks flying around, enchanted bamboo-tube fireball launchers, magical spears, all kinds of stuff.
Feb 16 2004, 06:57 PM
But, man oh man, was that stuff rare and a pain in the arse to make.
Remember, the bamboo launchers required almost all of Taglios to make.
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