Myself and the people I played with used to play TORG. We loved the game. Yes it can be a bit weird from time to time but it is really hillarious. It is really an alternate universerse superhero kind of a game.
To counter what Mike said, the same goes for a really low techy guy going to a high tech "world". Recall playing a Conan type barbarian from Aysle (your basic fantasy world with magic and such) and going to high tech places was no fun, once got disconnected for flipping the light switch.
Sure not all the different "worlds" are as fun or good but we have always had a good time playing that game. Nile Empire (Egypt) is probably the funniest one since it is the most "superhero" type one. Orrosh is probably the least fun since it is your basic Victorian Horror (put the H first and you have Horrors) type place.
While the cards might take some getting used to it really isn't that much difference from rolling dice and consulting tables. It is just another random element you can take into account.
WEG : TORGStorm KnightsDegallths TORG Library