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Johnny Demonic
How'd you like it? What was cool? What was horrible?

PS: I am looking for a Guant Man quote from an ad or sourcebook about pain and suffering being an added bonus. Know what I am talking about?

Thanks a million!
otaku mike
I played it looooong time ago.
My memories of it are mixed. It was fun to play, the cards being a strange concept. There was definitively more "game" than "role" in Torg.
But the universe (or pseudo-multiverse) is just plain lame and confusing. The rules to use different technology levels made it extremely difficult to play a character from an advanced cosm (IIRC it was the name of each "reality") in a less advanced one. A cybered guy from "France" was almost crippled if he crossed the channel to go to Mediaval Avalon.
Beyong that, some cosm were just stupid and unrealistic, as well as the motivations of the cosm-lords. (The pulp Egypt really made me laugh a lot).

So, my conclusion, keeping in mind I didn't play it since 11 or 12 years, is that this game is to be avoided.
Myself and the people I played with used to play TORG. We loved the game. Yes it can be a bit weird from time to time but it is really hillarious. It is really an alternate universerse superhero kind of a game.

To counter what Mike said, the same goes for a really low techy guy going to a high tech "world". Recall playing a Conan type barbarian from Aysle (your basic fantasy world with magic and such) and going to high tech places was no fun, once got disconnected for flipping the light switch.

Sure not all the different "worlds" are as fun or good but we have always had a good time playing that game. Nile Empire (Egypt) is probably the funniest one since it is the most "superhero" type one. Orrosh is probably the least fun since it is your basic Victorian Horror (put the H first and you have Horrors) type place.

While the cards might take some getting used to it really isn't that much difference from rolling dice and consulting tables. It is just another random element you can take into account.

Storm Knights
Degallths TORG Library
The Question Man
Hoi Chummers, West End Games is publishing TORG 2nd Edition. Here's a Link.


I played this a loooooooooooooooooong time ago, back before I really got into SR. It was actually fun. Then again, I had some good GMs in my time, who knew how to play from the player's POV.
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