Nov 6 2009, 03:55 PM
Ive been looking at some things ... and am having an issue finding the Numbers
when playing at a higher table rating ... what is the actual procedure for scaling NPC's I know it says use the Prime runner stuff in SR4 but those are Really loose guidelines... any advice
Nov 7 2009, 01:45 PM
Most of the scaling is already in the Missions adventures. A lot of people forget to follow the rule about giving major NPCs (basically, leaders, individuals, and any adversary that hasn't been scaled by Table Rating, i.e. any non-grunt) a dice pool bonus equal to the Table Rating on all dice pools.
Does that help, or have you already been using these methods and found them to be insufficient?
Nov 9 2009, 09:34 PM
QUOTE (Aaron @ Nov 7 2009, 09:45 AM)
Most of the scaling is already in the Missions adventures. A lot of people forget to follow the rule about giving major NPCs (basically, leaders, individuals, and any adversary that hasn't been scaled by Table Rating, i.e. any non-grunt) a dice pool bonus equal to the Table Rating on all dice pools.
Does that help, or have you already been using these methods and found them to be insufficient?
I had forgotten about that but what I was looking more at was basic Gear and consumables for mages
Nov 13 2009, 03:44 AM
Could you elaborate on that? I'm not catching what you're getting at.
Nov 13 2009, 10:02 PM
it was an example .
While the Missions allow for Dice pools and if you really dig into the Prime runner advancement ... additional Karma and BP (however this part leads into knowing ahead of time what you are dealing with as a tabel rating) Money is not covered anywhere ...
Money for Vehical upgrades (after the last mission I ran every rigger NPC needs a cocoon)
Spirit binding Materials for Magicials (cause sometimes they know they are going into a fight and want to be prepared with spells already sustained)
Other weapons for the Sams (cause sometimes a 990 and an mono sword just isnt enuf)
now while I feel this could be covered in the BP Segment of Prime runner advancement Money is completely missing from the equation.
Equal is the easiest ... but again ... run 100% char BP .... and 100% Char Karma gained
but at the same time .... Karma gained = experience .... experience Generally = cash gains as well which = into gear or Liquid assets
and then theres the option of playing up which is presented in SRM3-00 (and not in denver missions)
Nov 15 2009, 10:48 PM
In some adventures, equipment scales with TR, but it's not very common. Creating stats for grunts and NPCs is already a logistical nightmare, and giving multiple load-outs is even more complex.
Are you running Denver adventures at the moment, or New York adventures?
Nov 17 2009, 01:27 PM
Nov 21 2009, 04:44 PM
Ah. Denver adventures used the old method.
Y'know, I haven't had a chance to talk about this with BishopMcQ or make any kind of official ruling, but if you want to use the new TR system on Denver adventures, well, I won't tell if you don't. =i)
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