Bigsby Wolf
The Spirit Focus, One Nippy Winter EveningAn attractive couple has been sitting at the end of the bar for quite a spell.
The male is a fairly unimposing human wearing a pair of old jeans, a black t-shirt, and a leather harness with a light pistol secured snuggly in its holster. A set of dog tags dangle lifelessly from his neck. His friend is an absolutely stunning elf wearing a denim jacket, beige khakis, and work boots. Her fiery red hair has got to be a custom job as that shade of red does
not exist in nature. She appears to be completely unarmed, though it's hard to tell for sure in this day and age.
After giving a bottle of wine to another elf, the bartender makes her way to the pair who are currently lost in a quiet conversation. Along the way she offers a mischevious look to a rather surly ork. He just grumbles a bit as she passes, but casts a glance at the couple once she reaches them.
"So, can I get you two anything else?"Coming off the tail-end of a laugh, the human turns to the bartender and brandishes a smile that could melt the panties off a bull dyke. It doesn't go unnoticed.
"Why thank you, darling," he replies in a softly-accented voice,
"I do believe we're due for another round of your finest.""I'm impressed," the bartender grins while trying desperately to hide a genuine blush. She pulls out a jug labeled
Orkstaff XXX from under the bar.
"That's your fourth round and you don't look so much as buzzed. We only see that from the trogs round here, and even then the tuskers would be tottering in their seats by now." The ork huffs when he overhears that and turns his full attention to the breeder and keeb.
"It's the Irish blood, love. Gonna take more'n a few mugs of hurlg to knock me off my feet. Though I have to admit," he leans in to her as his voice grows softer still,
"if you flash me another one of those lovely little smiles of yours, you might just do the trick yourself."The elf sitting next to him rolls her eyes before slapping the wolfish flirt upside the head.
"Bigsby, down! That's a bad Bigsby!"He gives the
nobilis a wounded 'wtf?' look before resuming his previous posture.
"I know you did not just do that, Bel." Cockblocked by his best friend. The nerve!
"Maybe if you'd stop hounding every woman you came across, I wouldn't have to." She does a remarkable job of stifling a giggle herself.
The human just stares daggers at her for a moment before shrugging and taking a deep swig of his drink.
"Fair enough." He gives a slight twinge as the burning liquid takes its vengeance upon his innards. By the time he places the mug back on the bar, however, he appears wholly unphased by the experience.
The bartender laughs before sliding the jug back from whence it came.
"You let me know if you need anything else, sugar," she winks then wanders back down the counter. She stops in front of the surly ork and holds her hand out triumphantly. The ork grumbles something in Or'zet before reaching into his pocket and slapping a fistful of corp scrip into her outstretched hand. The dejected look on his face tells it all. She counts up the wager to make sure it's all there then tucks the wad into her ample cleavage with a satisfied smirk.
"So," Belfast begins as the couple's attention returns to one another.
"You never said how you're adjusting to life here in the Emerald City. You find a decent place to live yet, or are you still squatting at that dive in Snohomish?""Eh, been too busy having fun to stop and find a nice flat, though it's definitely on my to-do list. I gotta say, this place is even crazier'n back home. Too much to see and do that I haven't even had a chance to follow up on any of Shamus's jobs yet.""Well you know you always have a place back at the Pig.""Ugh, don't mention pigs. Those guys have been total arseholes lately. Christ, I converted to Judaism to shut them up about the pork thing, and they still keep harping on about it." Bigsby grumbles and takes another drink which instantly repairs his mood.
"Besides, I just need to earn a honest day's work then it won't be an issue. Plus I kinda like it out there; nice and quiet, relatively speaking, and I can be myself when the need strikes me. But thanks for offering anyway, doll."Belfast nearly chokes on her drink.
"Wait. An 'honest days work.' You? Oh, that's bloody rich! Haven't you committed every crime known to man?""Oy! I'll have you know that I've never once violated any agricultural quarantine laws.""What about that apple you tried to smuggle onto the plane?"Bigsby pauses to pout.
"Dammit. Okay, you may be on to something. But fook me if that wasn't the tastiest apple I've ever had. I think the villainy of it made it all the sweeter."Bel laughs then finishes off her mug. She seems to be even less phased by foul concoction than her buddy was.
"Well, you take care of yourself, boy." She takes a look at her watch and wrinkles her nose.
"I need to head back to the Underground before CuChulainn starts to worry. You know how his OCD gets if his schedule gets wonky."She reaches for her commlink to pay for the drinks, but Bigsby stops her before she gets the chance.
"Now you know better'n that, love. And give Cookie my regards. Tell him that he still owes me a rematch the next time I'm down there. I've been practicing, so he's totally going down this time around."The woman smiles and reaches over to tousle his hair lovingly.
"I will. Try to stay out of trouble, neh?" Bigsby's only reply is a dismissive flourish of the hand and a returned smile.
With that, the redhead slides off her stool. She pauses long enough to grab a leather longcoat off the hook by the door and waves at her old friend. After she leaves, Bigsby takes his mug and spins around in his seat, resting his elbows on the counter's padded edge. Not having anything to do in the immediate future, he decides to just sit back and people watch for a while. Who knows, maybe something interesting will happen?