Nov 26 2009, 04:14 PM
So, we are trying to organize some tables of SRM at a local convention, and I'm just wondering about the rules. I feel like this was brought up a bit ago, but I don't see it anywhere....
Anyway, I am assuming for a local convention we can only run the mods available at the Catalyst store (SRM3-00 thru SRM3-03?), and that each judge will have to have his own, purchased copy of the mod. Correct?
Additionally, any advice for introducing missions to players would be appreciated!
Also, does Catalyst/can Catalyst provide any 'stuff' for the convention, even if just a poster to hang behind the table where SRM will be played? I know Paizo is providing one to the Pathfinder tables...
Thanks for any insight!
Nov 29 2009, 07:49 AM
Send an email to
Name of the Event
Date for Event
Date for Event registration (deadline to know what events you're running)
Estimated Number of Players (ie. 6 Tables of 6 players each)
Aaron and I will help get copies of the Missions to you, and if you are a Catalyst Demo Team member, help make sure you get the extra goodies.
For Convention Support (Posters, etc.) send an email to She is the Convention Coordinator and will be able to help get you sorted out, based on Convention size and other aspects that I'm not sure about.
Nov 30 2009, 03:23 AM
Thanks for the info...emails will be on their way!
As for the Demo Team - I remember Mark (Edwards) talking about that at GenCon: how does one go about signing up?
SRM is relatively unknown in this area (which I find odd, since we are in the DC area), so hoping to get some started by hosting it at SynDCon.
Dec 1 2009, 12:00 AM
To become a Demo Team member, just go to the Catalyst Demo Team website and Enlist!
Dec 12 2009, 04:51 PM
Sent out an email to Missions....still haven't heard anything long should I give it before following up again?
Dec 15 2009, 05:14 AM
I'm not sure when you sent it, but Aaron (my co-coordinator who handles that email address) had some personal items this last week. Send me a PM and I will try to sort out everything that you need. Thanks!
Jan 26 2010, 11:53 PM
I'm looking at attending synDCon strictly to play SRM. The thing is, I've never played Shadowrun at all. I've always been interested in it, but the groups I play with always want the traditional fantasy-based RPG. I've got some questions about SRM that I can't find answers to in the FAQ, Players Guides, etc.
I don't mean to thread-hijack, but since it looks like Silver12 may be the GM for the game, this seemed as good a place as any to ask, is it generally discouraged to play SRM as a newbie? I'm an old hat to various RPG systems, and not just the obligatory d20, so it's not like I'm totally green.
Any advice or feedback would be appreciated, from mods or silver12 or anyone else. Thanks!
Black Jack Rackham
Jan 27 2010, 01:57 AM
QUOTE (jsalli39 @ Jan 26 2010, 06:53 PM)
I'm looking at attending synDCon strictly to play SRM. The thing is, I've never played Shadowrun at all. I've always been interested in it, but the groups I play with always want the traditional fantasy-based RPG. I've got some questions about SRM that I can't find answers to in the FAQ, Players Guides, etc.
I don't mean to thread-hijack, but since it looks like Silver12 may be the GM for the game, this seemed as good a place as any to ask, is it generally discouraged to play SRM as a newbie? I'm an old hat to various RPG systems, and not just the obligatory d20, so it's not like I'm totally green.
Any advice or feedback would be appreciated, from mods or silver12 or anyone else. Thanks!
SRM is written with the flexability to deal with both beginning characters and the very advanced. I don't think it's giving away any trade secrets to say that SRM is designed not just to make the fanboys happy but also to bring in new gamers (it is, after all, how I got started writing for Catalyst).
Jan 27 2010, 02:25 AM
Thanks Mark.
I've got a few questions that I'm having trouble finding the answers to. It seems the official Shadowrun4 site still has the older missions info on some of their pages (Worldview, Players, even the Downloads section still lists the info for Denver). I found the FAQ for Character Creation and Transfer Guide for New York City, but I can't find the actual Mission Module that, according to what I've read on here, is free. The Shadowrun4 website is really hard to navigate to find helpful information on.
Jan 27 2010, 02:48 AM
Okay, I found the mission module over at Driver Thru RPG.
Some more annoying newbie questions...
This seems pretty basic, but I couldn't find an explanation anywhere so... Do the modules have to played in order? For instance, if I'm going to be playing SRMs, do I have to have my character start with "Everyone's Your Friend?" synDCon will have SRM3-00 through SRM3-03, and I'm hoping to get to play every one. However, because of the game times, I may have to play them out of order. Will this cause any problems with character advancement, the "calendar" I'm supposed to maintain, or overarching plot-lines?
Hopefully, this will be my last whining on here. At least, until I get my rulebook.
Jan 27 2010, 05:39 AM
The order is not vital, though there are some story arcs that are better if played in order.
Jan 29 2010, 04:46 AM
I posted this in the convention information-I figured I'd post it here too since it is on topic. Jeff-I'd love to be there with CD, but I'll be hanging out in Savannah GA.
Welcome to synDCon 2010SM
The Washington, DC Area's Premiere Gaming Convention, 2/12-15/2010
synDCon 2010SM, presented by The Gamers' Syndicate, LLC, is the Washington, DC area’s newest and largest table-top gaming convention, offering board games, role-playing games, miniature war games, and card games. In addition, synDCon 2010SM will offer special events, such as seminars. is being held at:
Hilton Washington DC/Rockville Hotel & Executive Meeting Ctr
1750 Rockville Pike, Rockville, Maryland, United States 20852-1699
Tel: 1-301-468-1100 Fax: 1-301-468-0308
Wesley Street
Jan 29 2010, 01:23 PM
QUOTE (DireRadiant @ Jan 27 2010, 12:39 AM)
The order is not vital, though there are some story arcs that are better if played in order.
If you're a Missions veteran, you'll want to play the initial module first as it brings characters from Denver into Manhattan and establishes a lot of key setting points.
Jan 31 2010, 02:32 AM
Sorry I've been away for a bit...but yep, I am one of the GMs at SynDCon....
As for playing the missions as a newbie, I would definitely say - YES! It's a great system, and it's be great to help someone learn it.
Black Jack on these here boards took me in as a newbie up at Total Con last year, and I was hooked ever since.
Would love the chance to pass that on!!
Any questions, please let me know. We have different GMs for the different mods, but I will be running all the slots of SRM3-00 except for the Valentines Day ones and really hope to introduce some new players to the shadows....
Black Jack Rackham
Jan 31 2010, 04:53 AM
QUOTE (Silver12 @ Jan 30 2010, 09:32 PM)
Black Jack on these here boards took me in as a newbie up at Total Con last year, and I was hooked ever since.
Speaking of which, am I going to see you at TC this year? I got another 6 adventures to play...
Jan 31 2010, 05:12 AM
I WANT to be there....but work seems to have other plans (don't the bosses understand the Shadowrun need?????)...
At this point it's not looking good, but I'm still trying to come up for at least a couple slots. Overnight Amtrak anyone??
I'll definitely be at Gencon though, and coming in on Tuesday.
Feb 18 2010, 12:12 PM
QUOTE (Silver12 @ Nov 26 2009, 10:14 AM)
So, we are trying to organize some tables of SRM at a local convention, and I'm just wondering about the rules. I feel like this was brought up a bit ago, but I don't see it anywhere....
Anyway, I am assuming for a local convention we can only run the mods available at the Catalyst store (SRM3-00 thru SRM3-03?), and that each judge will have to have his own, purchased copy of the mod. Correct?
Additionally, any advice for introducing missions to players would be appreciated!
Also, does Catalyst/can Catalyst provide any 'stuff' for the convention, even if just a poster to hang behind the table where SRM will be played? I know Paizo is providing one to the Pathfinder tables...
Thanks for any insight!
I have... I have not heard back. I am sending it again.
Feb 18 2010, 05:21 PM
QUOTE (cryptoknight @ Feb 18 2010, 04:12 AM)
I have... I have not heard back. I am sending it again.
Where did you send it to? If you can forward a copy over to me, I will shake the trees and see what happens.
Feb 26 2010, 12:25 AM
QUOTE (BishopMcQ @ Nov 29 2009, 01:49 AM)
Send an email to
Name of the Event
Date for Event
Date for Event registration (deadline to know what events you're running)
Estimated Number of Players (ie. 6 Tables of 6 players each)
Aaron and I will help get copies of the Missions to you, and if you are a Catalyst Demo Team member, help make sure you get the extra goodies.
For Convention Support (Posters, etc.) send an email to She is the Convention Coordinator and will be able to help get you sorted out, based on Convention size and other aspects that I'm not sure about.
I've sent at least 2 such emails... and nobody has responded. There should be emails in this inbox from both with convention information and requests for demo team members.
We've received help on the Battletech side, but the address has been silent.
Name of the Event: Anime Central
Date for Event : May 14-16 2010
Date for Event registration: March 1, 2010
Estimated Number of Players: 3 tables of 6 players per time slot... Not all slots will likely fill, and some may over fill.
Really looking for some demo team members to come help run this. While I can throw a rock and hit RPGA folks, finding local SR support on the GM side is difficult.
Feb 26 2010, 05:16 AM
My apologies. The had its monitoring fall to the wayside. Hopefully I've got everything sqared away for you. If not, please send me a PM or email.
Feb 26 2010, 07:23 PM
QUOTE (cryptoknight @ Feb 25 2010, 07:25 PM)
Really looking for some demo team members to come help run this. While I can throw a rock and hit RPGA folks, finding local SR support on the GM side is difficult.
I know how ya feel
Feb 26 2010, 10:08 PM
We have two Battletech and two Shadowrun demo-members en route. Let me know if we need more.
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