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"The other schools that we think he may have spoken with are MIT&T, Harvard, and most likely CalTech as well. CalTech is large facility, and much of the campus is open to the public. The graduation ceremony is going to be held within an area of the campus that is publicly accessible, so there is no need to worry there. I am afraid I cannot give you much more information without full agreement from those present to this job." Mr. Johnson says with a smile and a hint of a sigh, taking another sip from his drink as he waits for the group's agreement.
Jacket nods, "Understood." He takes off his shades and set them beside his place-mat, while surveying the reactions of the others. Although a few of them were pretty hard to read, Runners rarely passed up jobs unless something big comes up - and the P2.0 offer was probably too much for anyone in LA to pass on. "I'm in." He said, simply.
DD nodded in response - P2.0 alone made it a foregone conclusion, but she hoped she wasn't letting her eagerness howing too much. "I am in as well."

This will be my big break!
Fae looks around at her potential teammates. Nothing has been said yet about the option of raising the price. Still, it sounds like an easy enough job, so the cash was fairly good, even without the P2.0... and with it? Well the P2.0 would be enough to cover a job twice the price all by itself.

"Alright, but I think I smell a catch. Not going to be as simple as walking in there and escorting some egghead to a waiting car. And I don't just mean that other schools might want him. I guess we'll find out soon though, sounds like everyone is in."

Now that things are getting a bit more serious she goes from leaning back to leaning forward, conveying her interest in matters now that things are going to become more serious.
Sarial nodded, "I'm in as well."
June 2nd, 2072
2:52 PM

Bella and Terrence both sit for a second, and then one after the other stand up and politely excuse themselves from the room without a word. Apparently they got a bad feeling about this run that the others in the room didn't, or they didn't feel like dealing a fresh out of college extraction target, who knows, but now there were the four runners in the room, along with the still smiling Mr. Johnson.

"Well, that settles that then. The rest of you will do for this, though I will send Apollo a message, asking him to find you some more magical support. I don't know if you will need it, but it never hurts to have a friend with mojo, ne?" says Mr. Johnson, smooth as he has been the whole time. He pulls a small envelope from inside his coat, withdrawing a picture from within it and setting it on the table. A beautiful, dyed, pierced, tattooed elven woman stares up at you from the photo.

"This is Libby Caseto, a graduating Thaumaturgy student who is near the top of her class. She is the student that I wish for you to extract from CalTech. This envelope contains her class schedule, the schedule for the graduation, and the address of her dorm room. I would like for her to go through the graduation ceremony, receive her diploma, and then afterwords leave the ceremonies with you. The envelope also contains a number you can reach me at after you have her, so that I may relay to you where you can drop her off. I would prefer that any damages and violence be kept to a minimum so to not disturb the others in the ceremony, but I do not mind so long as you bring me her."
June 2nd, 2072
2:52 PM

DD starts a search about the target as soon as she has her name and picture. The hacker is looking for friends, habits, and preferences, especially her profile and personal page, in order to see how easy it'll be to get close to her before the graduation ceremony.

"She might be willing to follow a friend or lover for a quick chat. If there are relatives or other friends of her attending the ceremony, those might ned to be diverted so as not to interfere. If we supply her with a new friend, or lover, or two..."

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