Jan 2 2010, 04:04 PM
Hi, I have a question, My players wants to role play the in between mission, and they got Karma from those in between games, is that legal in the SRM3 mission or it's something I should prohibit ?
Jan 2 2010, 05:03 PM
Can you be a little clearer on what you mean by "in between games?" If you are running non-missions for your team, as well as, Missions, the players will either need to use different characters for the Missions and non-missions, or the characters will no longer be official Missions characters for the campaign. You can, of course, still use them for home play.
Jan 3 2010, 12:06 AM
Ok great ! So I'll use them in the Campaign I setted in Manhattan. Thanks !
Jan 3 2010, 03:53 PM
In a nutshell, characters cannot gain rewards that are not from official Shadowrun Missions (SRM) events. Not if they are to remain 'legal' for further SRM play, anyhow.
You can certainly roleplay outside of the published adventures, but the characters can't get anything from that.
Jan 3 2010, 08:01 PM
I builded my campaign around the SRM3 missions so it's only pre made mission between my own ... So the Characters will not be officials
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