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Full Version: Shadowrun Photo Shoot Opportunity
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My wife is a professional photographer, currently doing primarily wedding and product photography. She's continuing to build her portfolio, and is looking to branch into something more eclectic. She has a strong portfolio already (you can see some of it here: - this is the anonymous version for online posting, mind you). SO she is looking for assistance in setting up a Shadowrun-themed photo shoot in the DC/Baltimore/Reston area.

She can provide the camera equipment, the location, models, make-up etc., photo editing, as necessary. However, she can use help in...

Finding punks to photograph. People with mohawks, tats, etc.
Finding steampunk/cyberpunk accoutrements to include in the shoot (I believe we'll cover shipping. Watch her contradict me nyahnyah.gif )
Getting good clothes - jeans, leathers, chains
Getting props (firearms sans recievers - I'll check with police for necessary paperwork prior, gas masks, cyberdecks, etc.)
Ideas for locations - there are a number of spots in Baltimore which seem perfect, with steam vents, run-down rowhouses and such, but we're open to other ideas. We can shoot in a studio and greenscreen it, but where's the fun in that?
Ideas/requests/inspiration for poses

This is a PROFESSIONAL photo shoot, so quality, professional-grade stuff only. Because this is for portfolio building, most of the costs would be swallowed by her team. I'll make sure the results are posted online for everyone to enjoy.
If you ever head towards La Crosse Wisconsin. Gladly, however I'm a rather mild Emo. However theres always tattoo and piercing conventions. La Crosse just had its Shades of Blue Tattoo and Piercing convention.
Sounds cool. Unfortunately I'm in the UK. frown.gif
I'm half tempted to drive to Boston to see if I can kidnap Kage and his group, but Wisconsin is a bit far, and I'm pretty sure driving to the UK would invalidate my vehicle's warranty.

Oh well. Looks like if we do this, we'll have to hire some of my wife's attractive model friends and buy our own props (how often can you claim a firearm purchase as a business expense? Awesome!)
Replicas might be cheaper than real guns, no?
Of course. However, replicas don't shoot (and thusly aren't as cool). Plus, if my wife decides to do some slow motion bullet shot things, real guns would be more useful.

(Even replicas are good though, because it allows us to legally lock her expensive camera equipment in hard cases the TSA can't open when we're travelling by jet.)
Would have been fun but I'm in Montreal and it's too far from where you are !
wish i could but the pensacola area just sux, no money, little work, life just sux.....i gotta gas mask still lookin?
I haven't gotten much response, and I wouldn't want you to come up just to share your gas mask smile.gif Organizing the shoots is pretty time intensive (model, make-up artist, studio, et al.)

I think this has been put on the back burner. I might check in about it again in the fall, once wedding photo season is over.
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