Jan 16 2010, 11:30 PM
So is there going to be missions at Origins and Gencon against this year? The origins and Gencon games and the scramble were some of the most fun i've ever had at a Con and were ran and populated by some great folks. I was wondering if things are on for Origins and Gencon this year as well.
Jan 17 2010, 06:43 PM
Maybe its just me being selfish, but I'd love to see a booth at PAX and some missions here in Seattle. I fitting is that?
Jan 18 2010, 04:28 AM
Ok stupid question for the day, when is the next Pax. Everytime I go to the site it directs me tot he site for Pax East. For my part I would love to go to wthe Pacific Northwest for Pax and run Shadowrun.
Jan 18 2010, 05:15 PM
If you look in the top corner there is a link to PAX Seattle, but that still only gives you the old info. Early sales always have started end of february /beginning of march (I should know, I've been to every one of them), and the con has always been last week of august / first week of september running Fri-Sun. I'd be willing to bet if someone from Catalyst contacted them, they could get better info at an earlier time for PAX Seattle 2010.
To be completely honest, I was a little surprised to not see SR represented so far (6 yrs).
Jan 18 2010, 07:32 PM
I'd love to see some missions at Anime Central too.
With just one person judging last year we managed to get a few tables off, but I'd really like to have 2-3 demo team members running games. And while the Battletech demo team member in the area is already setting things up with me, I haven't heard from anybody SR related.
Jan 18 2010, 08:36 PM
I haven't been briefed on all the particulars, though I know that Chuck and Tara are already working on the summer Con schedule and have been at it for several weeks at least.
If you are interested in helping at a convention, or wish to express yor desire to see CGL's presence at a convention, I'd recommend sending Tara an
Jan 19 2010, 02:45 AM
QUOTE (Fezig @ Jan 18 2010, 01:15 PM)
To be completely honest, I was a little surprised to not see SR represented so far (6 yrs).
Everything I've heard from other "analog" game companies is that PAX is a great place to demo board/card games, but isn't a great atmosphere for demoing RPGs and longer games -- and that on-site sales are generally not great. This adds up to a show that could be beneficial for some of our games, but instead of being "someplace we can go to make some money or break even" becomes a "marketing expense" on the line item list.
It could be awesome, but I don't think we're missing out on a "no-brainer" by not being there yet. Even though many of our staff are in Seattle, exhibiting at a show like PAX involves a lot more than having bodies in the area.
Jan 19 2010, 08:20 PM
I dream of GenCon this year.
Jan 20 2010, 01:38 AM
MegaCon Yahoo website
MegaCon GameingComeing soon to the
Orange County Convention CenterMegaCon March 2010
March 12th-14th, 2010
Orange County Convention Center Hall D
9899 International Drive, Orlando, FL 32819
Showroom Hours:
Friday - 1pm to 7pm
Saturday - 10am to 6pm
Sunday - 10am to 5pm
I'll be running Shadowrun Missions at the following times:
Friday - 9am to 1pm
Friday - 2pm to 6pm
Friday - 7pm to 11pm
Saturday - 9am to 1pm
Saturday - 2pm to 6pm
Saturday - 7pm to 11pm
Sunday - 9am to 1pm
Sunday - 2pm to 6pm
At this time I'll have Shadowrun Missions 03 - 00 to 03 - 09.
I am hopeing Missions 03 - 10 & 03 - 11 will also be made available to me but that is still unknown at this time.
Questions feel free to ask me here or via e-mail at
Jan 20 2010, 01:29 PM
I know of at least two people running Missions at Gengis Con here in Denver and I'll be running a couple at Tacticon in September.
Jan 20 2010, 06:35 PM
QUOTE (Adam @ Jan 18 2010, 06:45 PM)
Everything I've heard from other "analog" game companies is that PAX is a great place to demo board/card games, but isn't a great atmosphere for demoing RPGs and longer games -- and that on-site sales are generally not great. This adds up to a show that could be beneficial for some of our games, but instead of being "someplace we can go to make some money or break even" becomes a "marketing expense" on the line item list.
It could be awesome, but I don't think we're missing out on a "no-brainer" by not being there yet. Even though many of our staff are in Seattle, exhibiting at a show like PAX involves a lot more than having bodies in the area.
I have enough faith in y'all to make the assumption there was a cost/profit potential reason as to why they wouldn't be at PAX. I actually was more thinking that companies like Green Ronin, etc send people to speak at panels as a way of marketing and showing product and all knowing wisdom and was a little surprised not to see the same from Catalyst/SR/whatev. That being said, I once again would assume that if they are not already taking advantage of that, it must not be such a no-brainer.
Jan 20 2010, 06:37 PM
Forgot to say, its nice to get a reply from someone actually from the company on something like this. That is one of the things that makes DS such a great resource and SR a product line I fully support (with my pathetically meager buying power....)
Jan 29 2010, 07:02 AM
Just a quick note to add to the post above for Megacon.
Warhorn sign up page now up at:
Warhorn Shadowrun Missions Sign upThere are games listed for Thursday afternoon and evening if there is interest sign up if enough people do I'll run Missions or some other adventure then as well.
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