Since it has been about 4 and a half years since someone posted inquiring about players in the Nashville, TN area I figured I would throw a new post up. I haven't been around here or up for much of anything lately because of fairly severe health issues, and honestly I'm not saying I can make it to a game, but I'm currently recovering(details available if you care) and hope to be back into working/driving condition soon which would mean I could. So, thought I would try and get everyone from the area to throw up a reply and let me know you exist, even if there aren't slots open in the games. I literally know my wife, and that is it in this area and since I've either been out of state on family issues or basically invalided I haven't really had time to check out the local gaming scene. So, advice on that would be welcome as well. I moved up here in May and got married in July and I haven't played anything since literally the day before I left my old hometown. I miss P&P gaming.
Thanks in advance for any replies,