Hi there. Well, I'm sorta a newbie to the shadows here. Just got my brothers ol' piece o' drek books, and went scouting for some games, but, no dice! Anything except Rigger for me. If needed, I will be Decker, but I will need some help, as I do not have all of the stuff on that down. Mages/Adepts preffered.

I currently have the BBB, MitS, CC, a pdf of a whole bunch of weapons, Man and Machine and the Sprawl Survival guide. I'm pretty fluent in the events so far, I think (Comet, SURGE, etc.)

Well, sorry to waste your time, but these slottin' games are harder to find than a cybereye in an ammo dump.

FRAG! Also, IRC, OpenRPG or anything pretty much except AIM is good for me.