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Full Version: D&D on Microsoft Multitouch Surface computer
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Like it or loathe it, the Microsoft Surface Multitouch Table Computer has potential.

There's an article on cnet about it being set up to play D&D.

The surface is the map, it recognises characters put on it, works out range and areas, etc.

It's kind of what I want to use my iPad for.

With Wizards of the Coast getting involved, maybe this will be what we see at conventions, etc.
Dude, that would be perfect for any kind of tabletop game. This is the first step toward that holographic chess thingy on the Millennium Falcon.

Holy crap, I'm a dork.
Wesley Street
I'm all about technology but something about that system feels wrong to me. I think it has partly to do with the animated monsters. It takes the repetitive aspects of tactical role-playing games and makes them feel even more repetitive. And God help you try to implement house rules or make the game "your own" using that system.

Using that kind of system, the game no longer become an RPG. It becomes a multi-player touch-screen video game. For board games it would be great. But RPGs? It misses the point.

The best application for the Touch would be download-able, digital maps that you could place figures on and scroll around on. Not roll dice or calculate ranges and damages. Well, maybe roll dice...
This stuff would be perfect for Battletech, maybe even WH40k.
theres also a linux version that is more basic and cost about $500 to put togeather. Its really just a map that you can throw minis on though and not as D&D focused. Personally I would never use it for an rpgs as I try to never even use a map but I can see other uses (Battletech, Media Center Controller, etc)
love how the guy having it demoed for him talks about having second edition experience, complete with a mention of thac0 wink.gif
Wesley Street
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Feb 12 2010, 05:09 PM) *
This stuff would be perfect for Battletech, maybe even WH40k.

Agreed! I'd throw AT-43 and Battlefield Evolution on that list.
QUOTE (tete @ Feb 12 2010, 05:54 PM) *
there's also a linux version that is more basic and cost about $500 to put together. Its really just a map that you can throw minis on though and not as D&D focused. Personally I would never use it for an rpgs as I try to never even use a map but I can see other uses (Battletech, Media Center Controller, etc)

Where can we find it? Do you have a link?
Just wondering if anyone has any comments on the non-map features ??

Not only does it show a map, but it recognises the characters put on it and calculates weapon ranges.
I can see something like that impacting character sheets and running combat - range, tracking ammo, weapon effects on the environment, armour effects, tracking initiative, etc.
Yeah, basically Battletech right there.
I like the idea of being able play with maps and show say blueprints of a runner's house. I've seen several articles about people using their projects pointed down at the table to create a map. I want to someday do that at least and have a way for a GM to draw a quick map on a tablet pc or have a fully prepared area and blow it up to mammoth proportions to see. I don't like the idea of the game being ran off the computer like a video game. But I like high tech tools to help better tell the story.
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