Feb 21 2010, 12:00 AM
Hello all
In the interests of minimizing modules people have to eat including myself i'd like to propose runnign some online modules or at least make the tools I have available out there for more people. My availability would be weekend nights after 3:30PM central time. I have a ventrilo server already set up for online gaming and have used IRC and a dice bot for handling the dice problem without incident.
Below is a list of Modules released thus far. Modules with # sign are ones that I have read and can run but have not played (which I believe i can still technicaly play (please corect me if i'm wrong admins) I'd be willing to run these modules and would love to play if someone else was willing to run. Mods with a * I have neither played nor "eaten" everything else i'm willing to run.
SRM00 Everyone's your friend #
SRM01 Ready Set Gogh *
SRM02 Block Wars *
SRM03 Burning Bridges *
SRM04 Monkeywrench #
SRM05 In and Out
SRM06 Jackknifed
SRM07 Knight at the Opera
After this I think i've played most (all?) of the mods released at last years Origins and Gencon so I'd be willing to run those missions as they become available.
Any takers?
Feb 21 2010, 07:54 PM
I'm definitely interested. I've purchased PDF copies of all 8 of these Missions.
I haven't played with a character, though I have a character I'd like to start. (I've rolled a Theurge I'd really like to play, as well as a technomancer who could make a decent alternate.) I GM'ed SRM03-05 (In and Out) twice at Gen Con last year.
Incidentally, do you know how mission debriefing logs are handled for a mission run online, since the logs are supposed to be signed? I imagine scan and email, but I'm sure someone has done it before.
My understanding is that GMing a Mission does not preclude you from playing, as long as you don't spoil it for the rest of the table (i.e., the rest of the team should do most of the decision making). The primary restriction is you can't play it twice (or at least get a second log for the same mission) with the same character. I'm sure someone will set us straight if I'm wrong.
Feb 21 2010, 09:51 PM
Several months ago when i floated the idea to Aaron and co about running online they indicated that scaning and sending would be alright or just notating that it was an online module and who the GM was and trying to get siganturees later. I'm pretty much always at Origins or Gencon and would be willing to sign there. Scaning and then sending just seems like a waste to me, I'd almost rather print sign and snail mail.
Feb 23 2010, 04:11 AM
So I guess the thing to do here is make a date and gather extra interested peeps (at least 3) I would certainly be willing run everyone's your friend or something similar online.
Feb 23 2010, 05:13 PM
Though a bit out of practice with Shadowrun, I would definitely be interested in plaing the SR Missions online. What online format would you be using?
Feb 24 2010, 02:10 AM
I have a ventrillo server and know a good irc server friendly to that so that's what' i've used in the past. I've emailed people any handouts they've needed but i'm not much for battlemats and the like when I run even at home so this sort of thing works well for me.
Feb 24 2010, 06:19 AM
It sounds pretty awesome. Anyway I could get into the group as a player?
Feb 24 2010, 08:31 PM
Sure lets go ahead and set a date to play, which works better for people and what module should we run? I'm free saturday and sunday's after 3:30 CST.
Troll Bouncer
Feb 24 2010, 08:39 PM
I'd be interested as well, but my availability is only on Saturdays due to my schedule. I completely understand that my inflexibility may cause me to be bypassed.
Feb 25 2010, 01:01 AM
Sounds awesome! I'm pretty sure I can get in on some Saturday gaming.
Feb 25 2010, 02:36 AM
I could run this saturday if folks thought that was enough lead time otherwise the next time I could run on a saturday would be the thirteenth of next month. Shall i just throw a table of SRM-00 or did folks need something else? Minimum 3 players to run successfully and the more we get the better.
Feb 25 2010, 10:45 AM
Much as I want to play, the next three weekends are shot for me.
Feb 25 2010, 02:57 PM
I actually had to change my post above. The 6th won't work, but I could do this Saturday though. I can also do the 13th of March. After that I it all depends. Sundays are also good for me, as I tend to stay home that day.
As a side question, do we need to use the regular Build Point system for character creation?
And, as a warning, this will be my first time playing SR in 10+ years. On the plus side, any of the SR missions are okay for me. =)
Feb 25 2010, 10:38 PM
Well next sunday at least i'm obligated to run at my FLGS however this saturday will work for me. If your interested please drop me a line so i can gauge if we got enough folks. I'm flexible on start time as long as it's after 3:30 CST.
Feb 26 2010, 01:52 AM
I can do Saturday at 3:30 or later. I'd send a PM, but I don't seem to have that option yet.
Feb 26 2010, 06:11 PM
So that's one for Saturday, any other takers? Unfortuantely Darque we can't run with just one person, i feared that might be the case.
Feb 26 2010, 07:48 PM
Aw well. If not, I'm still up for it another time.
Troll Bouncer
Feb 26 2010, 07:53 PM
I'm off between jobs from 530 pm to 730 pm Eastern Time on Saturday
Feb 27 2010, 04:03 AM
It is likely just as well I have a bit of a cold and my voice is kind of going I'm still game to run another time though.
Feb 27 2010, 05:45 AM
I'd like to try playing, I'm relatively new to Shadowrun, but I've been told I'm good at absorbing game information. I'm free pretty much whenever right now too.
Feb 27 2010, 09:47 PM
No worries. I think you will like Shadowrun once you get into some games. Of all the RPGs I played when I was younger, this is the only one that I have really wanted to play again after so long.
Mar 1 2010, 05:33 PM
Ok so next saturday is out for me due to a work commitment and I think next sunday is also a no go. I know this thread was originally started with me willign to run some and I still am however I think i've finally hit the magic critical mass for a local mission group here in town. I still havn't played or eaten modules 1, 2, or 3, is there anyone out there would be willing to run module 1online some weekend afternoon before the 28th? If push comes to shove i'll eat it and try and pick it up later but i'd really like to play it unspoiled if possible. Any volunteers would be appreciated.
Mar 3 2010, 07:47 PM
Any help on this?
Mar 4 2010, 04:05 AM
I could give it a go. My experience with SR4 rules isn't the best yet, but I did run SR2 way back when. Also, I've never ran an online game, but what the heck =) No time like the present.
If your okay with it, just PM with what I need to do for GM'ing the SRMissions and I can work through that. I couldn't run the weekend of the 6th, but could run on the 13th or 14th.
Mar 4 2010, 04:54 AM
Hmmm well if you wanted to run saturday the 13th. Sometime starting after four i'd be forever in your debt. I could then turn around and run something else the next day or the following weekend if anyone is interested. I know my fiance' would be interested if her work schedule suppots it. That gives us 2 people, one or two more and we've got a fully functional table. Plus it's always more fun with the two of us as our runners are also a couple. (Yea, we're those gamers)
Mar 4 2010, 07:36 PM
I am available for Saturday March 13th
Mar 5 2010, 03:01 AM
Sweet! I've cleared it with the family, and I am good to go anytime on the 13th. So lets say starting around 5pm Central time?
KnightRunner, we'd be happy to have you. I do warn though, this will be my first time to game online, so I may not be at my peak GM skill.
Lurker do you think we could use your Ventrillo Server for the game? Also, GMs have to register for the SRMissions? Or can I just pick it up at the online store? I'll try to get it tomorrow and read over it this weekend. I'm looking into OpenRPG as a possibility also. Mainly cause I like cool toys

Though we might just be doing it your way with IRC because I can leech experience off of you
Mar 5 2010, 08:12 AM
You may certainly use my server I will post details about it shortly, I need to dig them back up as I havn't done any online gaming since i got the new computer. Just to confirm your running ready set gogh? You don't need to register or anything of that nature just pick up the module off the store. If you want to use open RPG i'm more then happy with that personally i've never used it.
Mar 5 2010, 01:12 PM
Well I am new to the online gaming as well, so it will be a learning experience for us both.
Mar 5 2010, 04:19 PM
Lurker, thanks for the help with the server. And
Ready, Set, Gogh! would be the mission I will run. If it works out well, I'll be happy to rotate with you on running the online missions.
QUOTE (KnightRunner @ Mar 5 2010, 07:12 AM)

Well I am new to the online gaming as well, so it will be a learning experience for us both.
Like the blind leading the blind =) Seriously though, I hope it goes well, and is enjoyable for everyone.
Also, did we have any takers for a fourth player?
Mar 5 2010, 07:59 PM
Unfortunately my girl has a work commitment that afternoon so unless everyone wanted to swap to a morning run (ending before 3PM central) it's a no go sadly for her.
Here's the server info.
Server Port: 5355
Password: bushido
In the past for an IRC server i've used and the room #SRM then I usually just invite and use my friends dicebot for the rolling. When I run I generally verybally do most of the stuff via the ventrillo server and use private messages over IRC to send private messages to individual or groups of players. Sometimes i'll start up a seperate room for matrix or astral activities.
Mar 5 2010, 08:12 PM
I am available all day on the 13th.
Mar 5 2010, 08:16 PM
Lurker, we can switch to the morning if you prefer. I can start at 9 or 10 am central time. Do you think that would give us time for it?
KnightRunner, are you okay with starting earlier?
Also, does everyone already have characters made for the SRMissions campaign? If so, could I get a copy of them? Just so I know who's doing what and so on.
Mar 6 2010, 08:44 AM
Guessing based on other modules i've ran yes 4 hours should be sufficient 10 would be fine with me or 9 if you prefer, i'm imposing on your charity so I have little right to impose further.
Mar 6 2010, 02:09 PM
I am ok with the morning. Just say when. I have the whole day set aside for game stuff. Right now SRmissions has top priority. (Been doing other stuff lately and need a change)
As for the character sheet, I will send it to you sometime later tonight. I am at my daughter band comp most of today. He is an Ork former detective for the Pueblo Council. He is a tough gumshoe with a knack for criminology and forensics.
Mar 6 2010, 10:08 PM
I sent you my sheet, I will also poll my contacts and see if anyone wants to get in on this.
Mar 8 2010, 04:24 AM
One more would definitely make it a party =)
As for how I plan to run the game, I am liking OpenRPG thus far, so we'll probably use that and Lurker's Ventrillo Server. I doubt we'll get around to using all the nifty map do-dads, but the SR4 init system is pretty neat. And it has the built in chat with whisper, group whisper, etc. Also, you can set up aliases with different fonts. I think this good as we can easily create and save differing font formats for communication. This allows switching back forth between them real quick and easy. So we know if characters are talking normal, via commlink, or some other way. Also, their is quick and easy whispering to the GM.
Not that we have to have all communication through the chat. I'm just amused at the moment with the neatness of it, so am rambling.
I have purchased the Mission, and am looking over it.
As for the time, I'd like to try for 9:30 central time as I hate getting up too early on Saturdays, but it will also give us some time to make sure we're all setup properly and such.
I'll PM everyone with the connection info for OpenRPG by Friday. I'll be running a seperate server here at home so we don't have people jumping in and out.
Mar 8 2010, 05:13 AM
I really appreciate you doing this Darque. I guess I should go play with OpenRPG some.
Mar 8 2010, 04:28 PM
Glad to be of service =) Though my GM skills are rusty, I will try not to make it feel like a visit to the proctologist.
Mar 9 2010, 12:30 AM
Do we want to start a seperate thread in the hope of getting a fourth person. I'd actually be ok with running with three but more couldn't hurt.
Mar 9 2010, 01:01 AM
I'm good with it. I was kind of hoping we'd have a fourth on Saturday. 4-5 is good for me.
Mar 9 2010, 01:27 AM
Works for me
Mar 11 2010, 12:47 AM
Okay, I won't be using a deicated OpenRPG server, and instead will be running on a public one. Which and what the room name and stuff will be I don't know yet. Will get it to everyone by Friday.
Lurker, do you have fiance's character sheet also? That way i can have them handy during the run.
Mar 11 2010, 02:52 AM
My fiance's sheet is much simpler then mine as she started as a pregen combat mage and hasn't changed too much since then (she's banking exp to initiate). and hasn't played as many modules as me. But i'll see what i can do. Also i left out my simsense acceleraor cyberware was wondering why my essence total wans't mathcing up right.
Mar 11 2010, 06:20 AM
I would actually love to be a part of this but I am not a Con goer, so I don't know if that will effect anything. I do have a Rigger that I would like to use if that would be cool.
EDIT: Wow just went to the Catalyst site and read about this and its awesome! Wish I was more of a con goer for these type of games.
Mar 11 2010, 06:40 AM
We would love to have you just make sure you have a legal starting character. One thing to keep in mind is manhattan while it is possible by a vehicle many of the modules arn't geared heavily for it. At the very least I would make sure you have a fake sin and fake license for why you have the vehicles (maybe your a private delivery contractor). We'd love to have you just wanted to make sure you wern't all set up for a vehicle rigger and then not have much to do.
Mar 11 2010, 08:19 AM
cool. I actually looked over some of the things in there and I would actually want to start a real character that I could take to games that might spring up in my area. So I will probably make a Techno if you all don't mind. Since if I was going to play in a persistent world I would play a more "me" character!
Mar 11 2010, 03:08 PM
Just curious what that gives us Party Make-up wise.
Buscador is who I am playing, he is an Ork former detective. He has some decent Social and combat skills with a moderate amount of cyber to back it up. He has a knack for problem solving/data searching and is trained in forensics and criminology. If you are looking for an investigator, Buscador is your Ork.
And his party members are.....?
Mar 11 2010, 04:30 PM
I've only had a chance to make a cursory glance at the character sheets so far, but I only have KnightRunner's and Lurker's so far. I'm still waiting to get his fiance's.
phillosopherp, we'd love to have you. If you want to make a technomancer I see no issue with it. Just make sure your character follows the SRMissions guidelines. For the most part it is a standard charaacter, though there are some limitations on qualities that can be chosen.
For all, I have officially decided that
Traipse OpenRPG 1.8 will be the version of OpenRPG to use. I've had some stability issues with the standard OpenRPG version.
Since I need to use a public server, the "Living Knowledge Arcana" server in the Server Browser will be the one I'm going to use.
There will be a room called "Ready Set Gogh" I will create on Saturday morning by 9:00AM Central time.
Lurker will have a Ventrillo Server, for voice chat, and should get us the info for it pretty soon.
Mar 11 2010, 07:41 PM
Here's the info again
Here's the server info.
Server Port: 5355
Password: bushido
You will need to download ventrillo which can be done
HereAs to characters i'm playing Dr. Rattler a adrenaline junky ex-military info warfare guy. He's primarily built as a hacker but he's pretty decent with pistols and has enough ware in him to keep him competative in most gunfights. I've tried to round him out so he has some social skills to reflect his professional demeanor and habit of trying to take a leadership role if the team rudderless but I'll definitely defer social duties to those who are better.
My fiance is playing Red the combat mage, loud, agressive boisterous, she likes to burn and blow shit up although she also doesn't like being shot so she can go ice code pro when she needs to. She's a good woman to have at your back when the drek hits the oscillator.
Both of them play well with others, there was that one time in Denver but there was extenuatign circumstance (AKA he had it coming).
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