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Full Version: Holy crap, Supreme Commmander 2 is only a week away.
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
This is one of the only two upcoming games I am genuinely looking forward to (the other being MechWarrior).

And yes, Total Annihilation owned the living piss out of StarCraft.
Well, now that I've played the demo, I'm somewhat disappointed. GPG did away with the Total Annihilation economy model in favor of the standard prepay economy that every other RTS uses, and they did away with the tiered unit system in favor of the frankly ridiculous research-in-the-middle-of-a-battle that every other RTS uses. Units' vision ranges and weapon ranges are severely reduced from Supreme Commander/Forged Alliance. The graphics are more cartoonish (bright colors, unrealistic terrain). It's dreadfully apparent that this game was dumbed down for the Xbox 360.
a RTS for the xbox? ok thats it, bye bye pc...

btw, there is a open source TA engine out there.
given the longevity of TA, i wonder if not the creators feel they made the game "to good" wink.gif
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