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Full Version: OOC: Johnny Blade
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Welcome to the Shadows
There's still some space left, but anybody who wants to join up can... We'll continue where we left off I guess. Wing Nut, Fortune, Dalassa, and FrozenWolf are the current 4... If they appear. I have room for at least ONE more person.

The rest of the topic is in the archives.
What do you mean 'if'? nyahnyah.gif

The previous thread can be found here
If? I'm still here mourning the death of my attempt at a game and plotting the next one. cool.gif
I kind of like the new board format personally...
I'll join the game. What are your rules, character requirements, etc.?
Send Vegetaman chocolate, send me lead, and send Fortune women. biggrin.gif
I no longer need women...I need money! biggrin.gif
All rules/regulation/requirements are listed here:

Yeah, I just need some guns and chocolate.
QUOTE (Vegetaman)
All rules/regulation/requirements are listed here...

Or in the link in my first post to this thread! nyahnyah.gif
Gypsy is short for an Elf, standing barely over 6 foot in height. He does have the typical Elven figure, a thin, wiry frame, though. He keeps his black hair cut short, except for a small braided ponytail that hangs down his back. He has piercing lavender eyes that some people take for cyber at first glance, but then they notice the sparkle that would normally be absent from replacements. He tends to smoke quite a lot, and is equally comfortable dressing in trendy corporate clothing or rough street clothes, depending on the situation.
Thanks for the link, Fortune. I missed the first one due to not remembering the first time I viewed this thread. biggrin.gif

Vegetaman, after reading the thread on the last board, I see that the team is covered on magical ability. That's a little disappointing, since my favorite character is a mage who is an ex-assassin, carries a heavy pistol, knows martial arts, can be stealthy, can conjure fairly well, and can create his own spells.

Having said that, how is the team in other areas? I have this idea for a guy, who maybe will be an escaped mental patient and former member of a gogang, who thinks he is some kind of animal and tends to fight hand-to-hand like one, and who also has lots of cyberware to enhance his animal abilities.

Which do you think would work best in this run?
If you really wanted to go the Magic route, an Adept is always a possibility.
Yeah, Fortune, though adepts have always been kind of boring for me. I've tried playing them before, and they just aren't as versatile as some of the other types. I haven't tried combining an adept concept with cyberware before though. cyber.gif

Now that I think about it, that could be a good experiment. I always played pure adepts before.
It's cool! I was merely throwing out a suggestion. After all is said and done, it's your character. smile.gif

Speaking of characters, Veg, did you get mine?
So I'll send Vegetaman guns, Fortune money, who wants the lawyers?
So, is the otter a Warren Zevon fan, or are you refering to Meat's version? biggrin.gif
Ok. I took a look at the adept thing, and I don't like it still. I assume that since everyone seems to be magically active in some way, that most of the characters so far are mages. I'm thinking samurai.

I have a troll samurai left over from a Renraku Arcology run that was being run by Chad H until he got permanently banned from the DS Forums. I need to know timelines though. This is going to be 2061 right? When did the Renraku Arcology thing go down?

I want to update his bio to reflect the experiences he had in there, but I don't remember the date. Other than that, he's ready to go I believe.
As far as I know, only two out of the four characters (not including yours wink.gif) are awakened; My mage, Gypsy, and Dalassa's Otter Shaman, Kateri. The other two are totally mundane (as of last time I checked). smile.gif
Ok. I found on the internet that the arcology shut down on December of 2059, and that the public found out what was going on in February 2060. This could work for my character.

I'll finish the bio tomorrow and send it to you Vegetaman. I'll send you the mage's sheet too in case you don't like the samurai.
Ok, I have sent my two characters to your e-mail address as listed on the old forums board, Vegetaman. I hope to have the bio for Sam written by Sunday. rotate.gif
No sign of Veg for the past week. frown.gif
Uh-oh! Do you think this is bad? frown.gif
It's a bit too early to speculate, but let's just say that his last absence was very long indeed. I'm hoping that this is not the case this time.
Like how long are we talking about? 2 weeks? A month? A YEAR?? eek.gif

Should I apply to other games while I wait?
His last absence was about 6 months, but he promised me that this would not happen this time. Wait a bit, but there is no reason why you couldn't apply to other games as well, in the mean time. You are not limited to playing in only one game here. smile.gif
Yeah, I know. I just like to try and keep it to a few games at a time.
My apologies. I had some ISP trouble with my 33.6K... And it pretty much thrashed my usage for two weeks. sarcastic.gif

Anyway, I'm back. Can you re-send your character Leowulf?
Did you get my character, Veg?
Yes Fortune, I do have yours.
Any comments, requests, and/or changes needed?
Yeah I sent you two characters. I'll send them again. I'm using Sam in grendel's game, SOLAS, too.
All I have to say is damn, I knew it! frown.gif
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