Back when I started my campaign, I had my players (it's being played here on Dumpshock) post their char sheets, backgrounds, etc as spoiler-coded posts to the OOC thread.
This is fortunate, as I lost my campaign data files, including the non-posted character sheets (which weren't any different from the posted versions, yay).
Of course, now that they've completed a mission and are going to get karma soon, I run into the problem that all of the karma logging automation I've ever seen are attached to character builders - which is good, but difficult when you'd have to plug in those character sheets from scratch.
So here's a thought I just had, wish I knew how to do it.
I want to set up a Word file for each character in the campaign to log karma awards in.
I want to store char name, player name, date, reason, karma awarded. All in neat columns.
A sample entry would look like this:
Date CharName PlayerName Reason Karma
03/02/2010 Bob Bob Survival 2
The above I could probably do with a simple Table. But here's where my head hurts:
Then, at the bottom I want to store a running log of Career Karma Earned, Karma Available to spend, and have both values calculated automatically.
I don't know excel well enough to do this, at all.
Of course, once that was done I could already see other features to add. Well, one feature, since I still figure this should be a simple program to use.
The ability to divide awards up by run/mission/adventure (whatever term you use), giving each run/mission/adventure a neme, and produce a log of how much karma got dealt out to the player per run.
Here's where I mark myself as desperate: Would anybody else be interested in this? Maybe in coding it?