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Full Version: An idea thats been rattleing around in my head
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Lok1 :)
If some of you will recall the "Dumpshock Datahaven" project, which as far as I can tell seems to have died. (If a PDF was ever released please point me towards it) And when reflecting upon it I was struck by an idea, what if we were to take the concept off a in character way of making articles on shadowruning, and instead of making a online fanzine that imitates a forum-like way of sharing media, why not simply add a subsection of the DS forums for that purpose?
Already plenty of dumpshockers have shared their creations, be them rules, supplements, or even fiction on the dumpshock forums. Why not find ways of encouraging this to create a thriving, user-run channel for the shadowrun universe. It would be self sustaining, and would eliminate the massive amounts of work required to conglomerate a fanzine.
How many times has someone said, or thought "I fell just like a shadow talker" when going through some of the topics in DS? I know I have and haven even seen a fair amount of people say so on the threads, creating a thread for specific in-character advice and discussion, mimic a data haven on the matrix would certainly bring the feeling home.
Anyways, that’s my idea feel free to tell me what you think, good or bad.
Its not a bad idea, but I'd still think you would need to have some sort of filter. You'd want items to be proofread and assign an editor to work with the writer, with the majority of people being on the same page so there is a consistent feel and quality level to read.

I think one of the things about the DDH project was that Bull (and possibly others) were interested in the layout and publishing aspects in addition to the content. They wanted to work through that end of it as well, so while they wanted high quality content, they also wanted to gain experience with publishing a fanzine.

I think one thing going against this idea is that with this forum, everyone already does have the capability to post fiction, supplements, media and rules. Its done all the time. Sometimes there are debates that ensue and that changes the focus from the content being shared to the debate at hand. There is also the fact that items are not grouped together and everything has to be searched for.

So, overall, I like your idea, but you'd need to have some sort of manager directing things so its not just a free for all and there is some level of quality control...
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