Ok so questions in no particular precedence.
For being a good little corporate lackey I now have a vehicle pass for manhattan. I have a few questions related to this, and I apologize these may be in rotten apple but I'm away from them right now
1) Is the pass itself vehicle specific or can it be transferred?
1a) The pass is for a vehicle without a F or R rating for it or any of it's modifications. Now if i get the pass applied to a vehicle and then mod it myself with a restricted or forbidden mod, say something that's not obvious like one of the spoof chip options will it invalidate the pass? I can make an argument for the logic but I wanted to be good with the letter of the law.
1c) Provided the pass is non transferable how would I or someone else get a vehicle pass for the island is it just a fake license (vehicle) or a certain rating? I've had this one asked of me as a GM and I really didn't know the answer. It's important as until I know this I'm not sure how feasible it is
2) There are no rules forbidding one player giving another money or gear correct unless it is a faction reward? THe reason I ask is i've got someone else willing to chip in with me on the new ride.
3) Is cracked software allowed? My understanding was that cracked software and skillsofts were an optional rule and therefore not allowed in SRM, the reason I asked is that while sitting a table at one of the big cons I had a player* hand me a list of cracked rating 6 software and skillsofts that his teams hacker was somehow maintaining and said I could use anything I needed for the mission. Now I as a GM would have problems with this and therefore declined to use the software as I wasn't sure of the legality of this. My understanding is that even if cracked software is allowed you need to be able to demonstrate through the bought dice downtime method how it is cracked and maintained which by design gets pretty impossible if your maintaining more then one prog. However with Active Softs no costing signifigantly more under SR4A it's a question that takes new interest for me.
4) Group gear, is there a way to do it legally or should we jsut avoid it as much as possible.
*To the player in question: I have no issue with you, in fact your pretty awesome, but this has been something I wanted to get clarification on.