Mar 15 2010, 07:52 PM
Unwired lists three methods of keeping up unregistered software. Two of the three (patching it yourself and buying patches from the Cracker Underground) are clearly defined. Does Missions allow the option of hacking the patching servers (or at least spoofing them into patching your programs as if they were legit), and if so, how is that adjudicated?
Edit: The more I think about it, the more I hope this isn't an option, since the normal downtime method of buying hits would make even the most terrifying systems (the S6/F10 one from back in the Denver days) incapable of detecting a hacker with the gall to run a R5 Stealth program. The intervals for probing attacks and cracking copy protection would also mean that it'd take hours to get patches, rather than costing nuyen paid in downloading fees or nuyen lost in weeks spent patching per programs.
Mar 17 2010, 06:21 PM
I don't see hacking as something that can be done in downtime and I believe hacking such a system, which is likely bleeding edge security considering it represents so much of a companies bottom line, is a bit beyond the scope of a module.
Mar 21 2010, 09:58 PM
I and the last poster aren't in charge so tough to know for sure without a Missions Coord chiming in - but - as a guess you can buy hits on anything allowed by the SRM FAQ and rules as written. If something requires a node to be designed and populated with IC I'd expect any options involving improvisation to not be available since GM's are supposed to stick to the RAW and material published by the SRM campaign.
Again, just a participants thoughts.
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