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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > General Gaming
Wounded Ronin
Dolph Lundgren is IMO the most under-rated actor ever. IMO he has the best martial arts fight scenes. His Punisher was the best one for the karate battles. Since he actually was a full contact karate team captain his fights looked like real karate fights, not the frou frou bullshit they send us now from Hong Kong with the flying and acrobatics.
I agree with the exception of Jackie Chan ^^
Additionally, he's a Chemical Engineer and a former elite marine.

Why the heck was he not the Archetype Shadowrun Samurai? O.o
Nah more street adept we all saw is missile mastery with the snow.
Or why did he never play in any Terminator Movie?
Look at him with the black leather jacket and sunglasses.
Wounded Ronin
Trailer for Lundgren's Punisher:
Wait what?
There was a Punisher Movie before the one with Travolta in it? o.O
Also, Dolph does not really look like his Lundgrening self in that Movie i say ^^
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 17 2010, 07:04 AM) *
Wait what?
There was a Punisher Movie before the one with Travolta in it? o.O

Kids these days. grinbig.gif
QUOTE (Stahlseele @ Mar 16 2010, 10:32 PM) *
I agree with the exception of Jackie Chan ^^

Best parts of Jackie movies are the out-takes at the end of the movie. Jackie is human but is seemingly inhuman from the amount of injuries he gets from each movie he makes.
QUOTE (Critias @ Mar 18 2010, 12:57 AM) *
Kids these days. grinbig.gif

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