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Full Version: Running in the sun
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
ALright folks i'm looking for players for a new 4ed campain, i have a playing area which will be divulged as people contact me, time will be sundays 1pm -5pm and this is a hard time limit. We will be running with all books and a 450bp setup, mature players please, i will NOT stroke your ego, that being said i will accept fresh meat, err, i mean people new to the game, just realize this will be a moderately high level campain from the begining and will push epic levels. Certain people have been PMed or phoned and are specifically invited and i will accept up to 7 players. Gods help me i'm fairly new to GMing SR but played 3ed for years and perfected the "Gunslinger adept" Archtype for 3ed.
I would like to get more info on your your game. I am still new to 4th ed but not to shadowrun. I have been gaming for over 20 years. I am based in Los Angeles near lax. Adepts are my favorite characters to play. Gunslinging adept are very fun.

My email is
trigvi, this is going to be a sit down game in pensacola, not an online game, that being said if your in the area and want to play cool. The game is not neccesarily cannon and is going to be very off the cuff for a lot of the material, however it will be, as per rules karma thick because you are going to be running through deep drek. the first session is going to be an escort mission, think Johnny Mnemonic and will DEVOLVE in ease from there.
I am actually in Los Angeles. I am going to go out on a limb and say I would not make it. lol. Thanks for getting back to me.
no prob, and if your ever in the area, ping me, like i said we'll be playing sundays and i'll be going to kareoke afterwards for any who want to join me, but the game has precedence and a vicious streak
Florida is someplace I don't get to, except once in a very long time. If you guys ever end up out her look me up
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