Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 13 2004, 10:54 PM
Some wars take days, others drag on with no sign of a conclusion. You just agreed to help keep this war dragging. You were hired to aid a group of veteran rebels as they establish a forward post and try to lessen Aztechnology's hold on the region. Whether you care about the three little unnamed villages is unimportant, the quarter million nuyen payment for a short contract is very important.
Game rules:
I allegedly have three willing victims, since one of them has been bugging me to get something started, and a group of 3 to 5 PCs should be reasonably easy to keep track of.
I'll want at least enough background to explain how you heard of this job and if you have any motives other than cash.
125BP or sum to 10 for character design.
Avaiability will be limited at 8 unless you can convince me that an item or two of higher availability is fitting and does not turn your character into an unstoppable mega-munchkin.
You have access to beta-grade clinics for technological augmentation.
Any gear not mentioned on the copy of your character sheet that I get does not exist in your personal equipment, and I will invoke encumberance if something looks wrong.
Use either this thread or the Dumpshock PM system to send me any character data.
As stated above, I have been lead to believe that there are three already willing players. That leaves two or so slots if anyone else wants to join in. If one of the expected players fails to show, that makes another opening.
Feb 13 2004, 11:05 PM
I'd love to take part. A few questions first. Does beta grade clinics mean we can start with cultured bioware too? Since we are fighting a war, does this mean we don't need lifestyles, and if we do, where should our homes be? And lastly, what kinds of characters does the group already have?
Feb 13 2004, 11:06 PM
I'm in. I'll get you a character this weekend, if you wil have me.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 13 2004, 11:11 PM
Yes, cultured bioware is acceptable.
So far, no characters have been submitted, I just semi-finalized the ideas before posting this.
Feb 13 2004, 11:16 PM
To late for someone else to join? Or do the slots get filled when the character is submitted?
Feb 13 2004, 11:53 PM
Sweet, I'll submit a character.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 14 2004, 12:37 AM
There's three I expect to show up. Any leftover room (if one or more don't show + the two or so I'll except past that) gets fought over by everyone else interested.
Feb 14 2004, 12:41 AM
Any shamanics among those three? I figure I can either go ghost like spec ops guy, heavy weapons guy (like the merc archetype) or shaman. My vote goes for the shaman.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 14 2004, 12:43 AM
I think they haven't seen the thread yet. I'm going to inform them by different means...
Street Wyze
Feb 14 2004, 03:35 AM
I'm in. You want characters posted here or mailed to you?
Feb 14 2004, 03:40 AM
I'm thinking Heavy Weapons troll. LMG, GDATGM the whole enchilada.
Feb 14 2004, 03:48 AM
I'd like to play a sam, but I need to know what kind of characters the other players will be. First and foremost, I want to balance the team.
Digital Heroin
Feb 14 2004, 04:01 AM
Had an idea just come into my head for an explosives expert... specialist in booby traps, structural demolitions, and big, big boooms...
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 14 2004, 04:06 AM
QUOTE (Digital Heroin) |
big, big boooms... |
Always a good thing.
Feb 14 2004, 04:07 AM
Explosions are always good. Anyone know where I can find the sum to 10 rules?
Digital Heroin
Feb 14 2004, 04:27 AM
How moral are you wanting the characters to be? Just so I can gauge how to background my guy...
Oh yeah, scary, scary thought.... a Demolitions expert with the Gremlins flaw... even at the two point, you have to bang things against a hard surface to get them to work right...
Feb 14 2004, 04:48 AM
QUOTE (Panzergeist) |
Anyone know where I can find the sum to 10 rules? |
Essentially, it's similar to the Priority System, but substitute numbers for the letters and 'sum-to-ten'.
A = 4
B = 3
C = 2
D = 1
E = 0
For example, a mundane human could have
A Attributes and Skills and
C Resources.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 14 2004, 04:54 AM
QUOTE (Digital Heroin) |
How moral are you wanting the characters to be? |
Anywhere between saint and "will kill for food...or fun"
How well the characters work together is somewhat important, but as long as you can work in a group for money,,,
Digital Heroin
Feb 14 2004, 05:26 AM
Working well in a group won't be a problem for Countdown... just wanted establish that he'd be allowed to incur collateral damage...
Feb 14 2004, 05:39 AM
So, we have a heavy weapons troll and a demoman. Maybe I should play a decker instead? Do we have a decker?
Digital Heroin
Feb 14 2004, 05:42 AM
A decker on a firefront? Would be a touch out of place, but deckers aren't all pushover, eh?
Feb 14 2004, 05:53 AM
Good point, there wouldn't be much to hack into. Maybe a shaman.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 14 2004, 06:18 AM
First of the taken slots appears to be: a troll spellslinger with an axe. I'm sure it will be better once I see the numbers and full background. Either that or you can use him as an explosive delivery system.
Feb 14 2004, 06:52 AM
@ Herald of Verjigorm,
I would like to buy a serious comm unit, like a btech receiver. The AV is 12 though. Heres why I think he would have it.
Lifter is a born merc. His father was a gunner on a tbird running ops in Desert Wars, and his mother was a medic for the same outfit. He was raised around mercs, he was raised by mercs. I think one of the things he would make sure he had was good comm capability.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 14 2004, 07:11 AM
I don't see how a single battletac reciever will give any in game benefits. If I'm missing some of its rules, point out the page number, but it looks like it only has benefits when there is a battletac network to coordinate with. When you are restricted to radio silence, you won't be able to link with a master unit at the rebels' camp and it will be nothing but extra weight.
If you still want one, it fits well enough with the background bit you quoted.
Digital Heroin
Feb 14 2004, 07:16 AM
Decker could work, given the right focus... satcommunications and such... tech in general'd work, as they are setting up a forward post...
I was gonna go without Battletac, but if it's an option, then much with the cool...
Feb 14 2004, 07:33 AM
Okay, I'll play a dwarf shaman, probably horned man totem. Making the char now.
Digital Heroin
Feb 14 2004, 08:02 AM
*ponders* I wish they had prices/avaliability for some of these items in the SRComp... pressure sensors, laser tripwire, vibration sensors... would be sweet...
Feb 14 2004, 08:22 AM
Thanks. Your right, if no one else has it then it's dead weight. But if we are going to have an eye-in-the-sky it's worth it's weight in gold.
Feb 14 2004, 09:22 AM
OK so I got the Btech receiver unit, and incase no one else gets one, I got a portable comm with encryption 6 on it.
I'm done with the character, I just need to work out his history and background. Do you want us to email you? I know you said PM or here in the boards but that can get messy.
You mentioned we were already there, can I assume I purchased a vehicle down there? The equipment I need is somewhat heavy, but it isn't something I would carry all the time. So a vehicle would be ideal. No mods, just a stock SUV is what I had in mind.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 14 2004, 04:29 PM
Yes, you can have any Aztlan-legal vehicle without any trouble. If you just want a SUV for keeping your gear in, that will work. Unless you get a very interesting chainsaw attacment, you will still be limited to the dirt roads and other established paths.
Feb 14 2004, 05:34 PM
OK, it looks like most bases are covered. Except "pointman". So, "Bearclaw", former Tir Ghost at your service.
Street Wyze
Feb 14 2004, 06:14 PM
Here goes nothing. Trogdor is a down on his luck merc who has been in-country for many years. Lately his luck has run out and he has very little money. He takes the job because he'll basically take anything, he just wants food and a place to sleep. He is a professional and will work with just about anyone.
Name: Trogdor the Burninator
Real Name: Laurence Phelps
Race: Troll
Magic: Sorcery Adept
Edges and Flaws
Quick Healer
Focused Concentration
Combat Monster
Computer Illiterate
Body: 9(10)
Quickness: 4
Strength: 8
Charisma: 4
Intelligence: 4
Willpower: 5
Reaction: 4
Initiative: 1
Combat Pool: 6
Spell Pool: 5
Sorcery(Spellcasting): 4(6)
Athletics: 4
Etiquette(Street): 2(4)
Intimidation(Physical): 2(4)
Biotech(First Aid): 4
Car: 3
Pistols: 4
Edged Weapons(combat Axe): 4(6)
Knowledge Skills
Insect Spirits: 4
Background Magic: 4
Smuggling Routes: 4
Megacorporate Security: 4
Paranormal Animals: 4
Language Skills
English/Trog: 4/6 R/W: 2
Flamethrower (Fetish): 6
Chaotic World (Fetish): 4
Heal: 4
Mindlink: 2
Clairvoyance: 4
Armor: 3
Levitate (Fetish): 4
Magic Fingers: 4
Stealth (Fetish): 4
2 Reusable Manipulation Fetishes
2 Reusable Illusion Fetishes
Combat Axe
Vibro Knife
Cavalier Deputy Pistol
-5 Speed Loaders
-21 Regular Rounds
-14 EX Explosive Rounds
Quick Draw Holster (Concealable)
3 Sets Ordinary Clothing
Armored Jacket
Starting Cash: 824 NuYen
Still working on Contacts
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 14 2004, 09:05 PM
Well, that looks better than the brief summary. He may work nicely as an explosive delivery method if he gets a full 4 str 4 dex magic fingers.
Feb 14 2004, 10:46 PM
So, do you want a .sr3 file, or an actual character sheet.
Feb 15 2004, 12:29 AM
I PMd my character to you.
Feb 15 2004, 12:53 AM
Bearclaw has been PM'd
Digital Heroin
Feb 15 2004, 07:02 AM
*cracks knuckles* It's scary how cool of a demolitions guy can be built on a relativly low budget...
Feb 15 2004, 07:17 AM
Chemistry shop man. The chemistry rules in M&M are my favorite part of the game. Wired reflexes? Who needs those? Take some kamikaze.
Digital Heroin
Feb 15 2004, 07:31 AM
Bah... who needs reaction enhancers at all when you plan on being under cover during the action, with a detonator in hand, and a grenade launcer in the other...
Feb 15 2004, 08:56 AM
I sent you the character minus the history. I am still working on that. I sure would rather email him to you then PM him, is that possible?
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 15 2004, 07:09 PM
News: second reserved players claims to be a phoenix shaman. That probably won't affect any of your choices, but it is still news.
Feb 15 2004, 08:12 PM
I can beat that Heroin. My character has an improved invisibility sustaining focus. I'll just levitate up to a nice high roof and manabolt to my heart's content.
Digital Heroin
Feb 15 2004, 09:05 PM
*innocently whistles as he forgets to mention that pretty much any structure deemed unworthy of cover will be wired to drop*
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 15 2004, 11:30 PM
I forgot to mention it earlier, but probably won't matter yet. 2nd edition anchoring rules.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 16 2004, 01:44 AM
As it stands, Carlos Castenada and Lifter are not in. Those who are in may vote to keep one or both of these two, it will need to be nearly unanimous to convince me. If the abundance of characters seems to be making it difficult to game, the "Oh, DREK!" level will increase until someone dies (most likely out of the two above).
Digital Heroin
Feb 16 2004, 01:49 AM
Who're Carlos and Lifter, and who's in? By this I mean, archtype/role wise...
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 16 2004, 02:00 AM
IN: the three who bugged me to get this started in the first place, Digital Heroin's explosive expert, Bearclaw's hard to surprise elf
OUT: Panzergeist's Horned Dwarf shaman, Shadow's heavy weapon troll/walking bullet barrier
Feb 16 2004, 02:00 AM
Oh. Okay.
Herald of Verjigorm
Feb 16 2004, 03:02 AM
Those who are in have until I post the IC and OOC threads (sometime between 15 and 20 hours from now most likely) to vote on whether to accept the horned dwarf shaman and/or the other troll.
Only votes stated in this thread will be counted, so they will know who to send hate mail to and to whom they owe favors.
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