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Full Version: Skype game looking for player
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Lok1 :)
My sundaygroup, wich plays over a combonation of Skype and maptools. Is currently a player down and the group is without a full mage. Do to our failure to find players through word of mouth I have came hear.
The group has been going for longer then six months, though it has gone through several party-changes, and the player base has been rearanged more then a few times. We meet every sunday at 6PM Central time.
I am not the orginal GM, but have taken over for Doc Holliday who, has switched to a player position. If you are interested you can ether post/PM me hear or email me at at
I am very interested. hit me up on skype at mrfix-itofmassage
Lok1 :)
We have some on, so untill further notice we are no longer looking for anyone new. This may be subject to change however.
Speaking of subject to change. Could you change the subject to reflect the status?
QUOTE (koogco @ Apr 6 2010, 02:09 PM) *
Speaking of subject to change. Could you change the subject to reflect the status?

How do you do that? I've wished I could change a number of topic titles I misspelled or phrased poorly.
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