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7:30:00 Nov. 18, 2071,Downtown Seattle

The rain. You could find a trid show or pirate news program to tell you whatever you want to hear, but it's hard to lie about the rain. The sky's been crying for two weeks, and the city is a used tissue. The trash is plastered to the concrete and the masses keep their heads down and hunch their shoulders as they plod through the swampy streets, a hundred strangers look as if they're huddled together for warmth. Juxtaposed in the sky stand the corporate monoliths glistening in their watery sheen, the lights glowing against the misty darkness. Their real and virtual billboards are vibrant and smiling, assuring you that the future is sunny.

A message waits on her commlink from Milton,<<I got a lead on some work. A friend of a friend is puting together some people. It sounded important so there should be good cred there. I'll need my usual slice of course, hit me back for details>>

In his search for work, Mongol met a strange man at the docks,a dark skinned human in an all black suit that called himself Mr. Johnson. He said he had been there to meet someone else that didn't show. He asked Mongol if he was interested in a job and extended a thin, black, plastic card.

Light Rivers
Clarissa Songbird asked him to meet her at her coffee shop. after a cup of her best dirt water she tells him that her hook up on medications was running dry, and her source is looking for help. they came looking for someone with his talents and she told them that she'd pass the word. She holds out a thin, black card. Its an RFID tag with directions to an adress downtown and a name, Anni.

she was making her normal pickup of Bliss and Nova Coke from Nose, and was told that there was a kink in one of the supply lines for raw material,"I don't want the Vory sniffing too close to my operations, but I think my associates could use an extra hand. If you're interested in some cred."
Nov 18, 2071, approximately 7:30:00(pm?) Outside some stuffer shack
[PAN: Genevieve Monroe, Hidden, AR]

Noise tried to get as far under the stores awning as possible, it was a futile effort however as the thing was almost as leaky as a sieve. The rain pelted down ceaselessly and it really put her in a bad mood. Oh, and to top that off Nose had gone dry. She flicked what was left of her cigarette into a puddle nearby and turned to Nose.

"You killin me here!" She squinted through a drop of water that'd just hit her in the eye, "Fuck! Fine! What do your ass-ociates need?"

Truth was, she needed the cred as bad as she needed her fix, and besides she needed something to do before this rain drove her even more insane.
Light Rivers muscles bulged inside his wet wife beater as he heaved the heavy brass and copper chimney stack into place forming the sluceway. The children watching from the courtyard gave a ragged cheer as the water started to drain down into the bowels of the roof. He removed the plastic tarplain that covered the hole in the roof replacing it as he went. I hope this thing works, two days poking around the industrial district to find it and having the devil rats trying to take a chunk outta my butt is not my idea of a good time. He took a ph strip and ran it under the outflow from the scavenged purifier that in a past life and before a lot of scrubbing had been an industrial washer for autoparts. One this strips readings confirmed what he wanted he ran the water through a couple other vials looking for the color changes that would indicate various poisons. The water was "clean" or at least the cleanest they were going to see around here. Leave it to Seattle rain to knock their previous purifier out. He waved to one of the kids.

"Have everyone run the taps for a bit to clear the system out and then we can hook the boiler back up and fire it up again maybe we can all get hot showers up in here again tonight." He took a towel and got out of the view of the younglings and dried himself off and then pulled on his clean clothes and then his red dyed armored jacket. He made his way down to the coffee shop and listened to Clarissa's problem.

"Null sweat chica, none of the tweakers will go without, 'sides say what you will about dealers, they usually pay their contractors on time." He finished the cup and pulled on his poncho, as he made his way towards the bus stop he had to seriously reconsider his position on using the spirits gifts on somehting as base as auto theft.
07:32:00 Nov. 18, 2071, Downtown Seattle

It was the third item on the list for wakeup. If her agent hadn't alerted her immediately on receipt of the message, after her shower and coffee she reviewed the queue before starting her day working out or jogging. She called it her wakeup list even though she usually hadn't slept. Habits of past lives were hard to change. Though on some days it was impossible for her to wake up at that time at all.

the nights i sleep like the dead

It wasn't one of those, so she responded immediately. Herr Hauptmann was reliable. In order to get his percentage, he would make sure to get someone to do the work. Whether it was her, or some other gun wouldn't matter to him as long as he got his slice.

<<Milton my friend, I'm in for the usual rates.>>

I'll commit all of the sins, but what percentage does Herr Hauptmann take for the balancing of his accounts?

She didn't bother with a slicker as she was going to get soaked in sweat for her run anyway. There was likely time to finish her wakeup list before any meet. Her conversation with Milton in her head was going to be something she could manage on a slow jog.
07:32:00 Nov. 18, 2071, Downtown Seattle
[PAN: Mr, Lee, Comlink is on (active) and he's wearing his glasses (AR)]
Mongol is walking down the Toacoma docks looking for help wanted ads. He had some good work yesterday hauling boxes onto a drone truck, but his money was running low and he is supposed to wire a hundred nuyen to the 10,000 daggers next week. He's so lost in thought he hardly notices the suited man until he's already standing in front of him.

When asked if he wanted the job Mongol gives a small nod and reaches out to take the proffered card, turning it over in his hands, trying to decipher what it says on it.

"You have work? What..."

At this point the RFID tag interfaces with his comlink and the ARO to the meet location pops up on his AR glasses. Momentarily startled, Mongol fumbles in his pocket for his comlink to run the instructions through his translation program. He tries to pretend that he's used to seeing AR displays all the time.

"What... what type of work is this?"
Nov 18, 2071, approximately 7:31:00pm Outside some stuffer shack

Nose back-peddled a little bit, trying to calm the situation down a notch, glancing at the other customers nearby and slinking closer to the wall,"Now I'm not completely dry, I've got enough to get you by. As for the other business, there's a meet tonight downtown at the Splat-hole, at midnight. There's a chick goin by the name Anni. She's got the details"
Nose drops a backpack off his shoulder and onto an abandoned beer crate. As soon as the money is transferred, the dealer throws up his hood and heads into the night like a spooked rabbit. Noise had heard of the Splat-hole,though never been there herself. Some fight club on Night street. The neighborhood was rough, but a black market mecca. A grizzled dwarf stumbled drunk out of the stuffer shack and stood there groping her with his eyes and smiling before heading on into the rain.

07:41:00 Nov. 18, 2071, Redmond

Light Rivers caught a few nervous glances as he stood in the cold, waiting for the bus. His red armored vest made some that recognized the gang colors wary. He didn't know the address specifically, but he knew the area. It was one of those roads that got another road or two built above it, then abandoned by the city, and left to the criminals and the homeless.

07:32:10 Nov. 18, 2071, Downtown Seattle

Milton betrayed no emotion over the comm, if he even had any,<<Sehr gut Litany, The meets at midnight, I'm sending you the Adress and the name, Anni. Here's a freebie, she has strong ties to the Anarchist's black cross, And as always its a pleasure doing business with you>>

07:34:00 Nov. 18, 2071, Tacoma docks

The man watches Min-bi for a second, absorbing the reaction,"Its much higher paying work than you'll find here. You strike me as a man with skills that would be wasted on this pier.The meetings at midnight. There are no strings attached, go hear this woman out, if you're not interested, walk away. I'll tell her to cover your bus fare regardless"
This section of Old lee Street wasn't much different from New Lee street ten years ago, But Businesses grew and streets were stacked on top of streets and pretty soon old Lee street never saw the sun, and with the darkness came the muggers, the rapists, the vagrants. the Corporate elite retreated to higher ground and the City closed the road. Its only accessible now through alleys. Even the rain can only dribble in, pooling in stagnate filth. Lonestar, and the nearby Ares security force rarely venture in, preferring instead to drop the hammer on any hobo that dares to step into the light. Those that speak of this place from either side of the alley now, lovingly refer to it as Night Street.
The street is about four blocks long and dark as a mine shaft, the overhead lights hanging from the road above are almost all busted and covered with grime. the street is full of make shift shacks and old cars turned into shops or living quarters. small fires burn, churning out as much black smoke as light. There's larger operations housed in the buildings that line the streets. the ground levels of witch were abandoned and cut off from the business above. The locals have managed to tap into the electricity of many of these places, so there are some fully functioning if highly illegal businesses. Anywhere you turn on this street, there is someone selling you something, commlinks, guns, If it can be stolen, it can be purchased here. There's a great deal of foot traffic, Especially in and out of the Splat-hole. the name is painted on a wall as elegantly as one would expect it to be. there's a ramp descending into what was once a parking deck.
Getting anywhere on the bus is time consuming and today is no exception, first he had to walk to one of the better sections of the barrens to actually get a bus, then take it cross town, two transfers which always suck ass, and then walk fromt he closest bus stop to his destination. At least it gave him time. While waiting in the partially shut down mall that served as one of the bus hubs he took a moment to glance around. A couple of KE guys were sizing him up trying to decide if they wanted to hassle him, that actually worked out in his favor for the moment as he was less worried about the cops and more about other gangers. He closed his eyes and slipped into full VR letting his body slump slightly against the creaking plastic chair. Once within he let a ululating chant ring out through his biological pan to the deep resonance calling upon the ghosts of the matrix. He focused his will giving the spirit a vessel to fill a conceptulization of a series of perfect interlocking gears. The spirits were pleased with his vessel and the machine sprite came into being for him. Thank you for answering my call spirit. I am traveling to a bad place and would appreciate your company upon my weapon to make it strike true if there are those there that wish me harm." The spirit nodded it's assent. Once he came out of his trance the spirit floated in his vision waiting. As he got on the bus and flioped down he discretely touched the butt of his pistol allowing the spirit to jump into it and take up residence. The weapon seemed lighter against his body and he smiled. It was just like Dirty says, a friend of the spirits is never alone.

Upon arriving on Old Lee street he paused around the bad lighting providing no great hinderance to the ork youth's vission. It was a bad neighborhood, but so was the one he called home. He put on his best Crimson Crush face and made his way towards the splat hole heading down into the darkness.
Nov 18, 2071, approximately 7:31:00pm Outside some stuffer shack
[PAN: Genevieve Monroe, Hidden, AR]

Noise glared at the dwarf as he came out of the shack. She knew he was undressing her with his eyes, and wanted him to just open his mouth, say one little thing, and she'd be kicking his ass until Sunday. The pint size must have realized that he was in trouble and turned down the street away from her. Lucky man, you just saved your lungs a new hole to breathe from. She spat at the ground behind him as he walked off, and turned to walk down the street to her car.

Once inside, she pulled up a map of Downtown, dropped a thumbnail on New Lee street, which she knew was near she wanted to go, and let he gridlink and her car's pilot do the work of getting her there. She lit another cigarette, and sat back as the car departed for Downtown, it'd be a good hour drive, depending on traffic, so she had some time to waste. Of course this meant she'd have some time to scope out the place before the meet. Heck, maybe she could pick up some cred in a fight before hand. Though she'd have to be careful about getting hurt, who knows what the job's gonna be. Pfft, not like anyone they put me up against would really hurt me... probably only fucking bitch slap fests though. Now if I can get into a knife fight.... yeah...

Noise spent the rest of the trip with a big smile on her face, thinking how much fun it was going to be to ruin someone's day.
Seattle 20:30 hrs, Comlink On

The other residents were watching some sports game on the trid in the communal rec-hall as Mongol made his way back to his room after receiving the job offer. Thankfully his roommate was out for the time being as Mongol opened the oldfashioned padlock that secured his footlocker. Moving aside a couple tins of soy... well... soy and a couple T-Shirts he pulled out and put on a tattered combat jacket with Knight Errant desert camouflage patterning. It's previous owner had stopped needing it after a bullet went in under his armpit, a perfect kill by the tribe's standards. Kept the ceramic plates intact for the next wearer. He also pulled his Predator II out of the bottom of the locker and checked the clip on it Well... he said that my skills were being wasted on the docks... Pretty much all of my skills revolve around using this so... Mongol shrugged slightly and tucked the pistol into the waistband of his pants and put his jacket on.

Leaving the hostel, Mongol made his way to the parking lot and unchained the battered dirtbike he had purchased a few days ago. After a few tries the engine turned over and he began making his way towards Old Lee Street. The bike wasn't equipped with Grid-Guide (and Mongol likely wouldn't be able to use it even if it was) so it took him the better part of two hours to make the trek, pausing at nearly every intersection to check his location on the Seattle Map on his comlink. Arriving at his destination he chained his bike up again and made his way down the alleys into the subterranean world. Upon seeing Old Lee Street It reminded him of that time that Karavan passed through. He had met a Talib gang smuggling some opium based BAD to the coast. Once they got under the awnings and into the depths of the city there was the same sense of claustrophobia, smoke, dirt, and filth that he saw here... Fewer goats though... and no tribals carting AK's but he got the sense that this pit was just as dangerous. He lit a cigarette and let the ARO guide him towards his destination, pausing across the street and watching the entrance for a few minutes.
Before the meet Nov. 18, 2071, Old Lee Street

Coffee, shower, messages, warm up run, stretching, run, warm down, another shower, more coffee as she checked her weapons. Only after that did Litany switch her routine as she dug out her armor and prepared to go out. With the weather she decided to be practical and stuck to a set of form fitted rain slicks under a loose poncho to provide a little cover for the tools of her trade.

The scooter was underpowered for the freeway, but it meant she didn't really notice the change in the area until she emerged from the alley into Old Lee Street itself. Her map softs were the latest update and served perfectly well to guide her here, but the ARO guides didn't contain any information about anything other then there was a road here.

"Vut! Girl, don't pay you no mind to the dogs. They smell the fear, you need to belong. We belong here. We are going over there to that corner, and nothing will stop us. and it would have been a fine if poor Hernandez didn't have to bring a scared slip of a girl to the worst part of 15th avenue right after her latest surgery.Hernandez stared one in the eye, revealing his tusks as he moved past and Litany saw the blade move ever so slowly as the 15th Avenue Greens razor boy slid out of her escorts way in the same motion as he stabbed Hernandez in the back. and the greens and I danced while Hernandez bled out, it was a long dance, they could never touch me with the new wires, ten blocks they chased till I lost them in the old BART station.

No worries my sweet Hernandez, I no longer smell of fear, and the Greens are no more, I made sure of that, but that won't bring you back my love.

She scanned the street, then motored slowly to the address she'd been given. Twenty seconds of negotiation with the nearest street vendor and she had someone to sit on her scooter while she was away, There would be the added bonus of having her scooters sensor systems scanning the front entrance and keeping watch as she was inside, but she didn't need to tell the BTL dealer about that. A hand brushing through her blond hair to fluff it out and at the same time give her a body sense check on the weights of her guns, Litany entered the Splat-Hole.

Should have worn my boots, these heels are going to get ruined.
11:49:02 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downton Seattle,

Four strangers head into the depths of the Splat-hole, towards the same future. The smell of smoke from the streets is replaced by the smell of sweat and blood. The place is an ancient parking garage, and little has been done to change that. There's even a sign on the wall half covered in graffiti that reads Cross Applied Technologies. The space was large and parts were nearly unused, save for people laying around, burnt out on drugs or BTL's. There's a large section in the middle fenced off, The outside of the fence is swarmed with people yelling and shouting. the inside holds two people, Neither of which are saying a word. An orc with two cyber eyes and a chromed arm circles a human with all the scars of serious bodyware. The orc swings the arm up fast, but the Human was expecting it and countered with a roundhouse to the eyeball. Sparks flew from the orc's face. He grunts and drops to the ground. The human tries to follow up with an ax kick, but a cyber spur erupts from the steel shoulder and impales the ankle of its attacker. His blood runs to join the other pools upon the asphalt floor. The crowd is a mix of rage and jubilation, depending on who they bet on. The AR was a serious spam zone outside, but down here was much less chaotic. There was a node called the Splat-house scoreboard. It appeared to be a comm on the belt of an old Asian dwarf. he stood off to the side on some old oil drums arranged into some kind of desk, or bar. He stood on top of a drum with an Ingram white knight on a tripod next to him. A blue haired woman with a few guns of her own handed out synthehol from a crate that was obviously intended for some stuffer shack somewhere. The only other area of note was a section opposite the cage, walled off partially by more oil drums and raw sheets of plasteel. A gap in the debris was covered with a blanket and being used as a door.
11:49:02 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downton Seattle,

Noise had been in the splathole for hours, watching the fights. Although she felt like she could take most of the fighters on, their moves were surprising and brutal. She knew she wouldn't come out unscathed. The crowd favorite was a troll named D-man. He was huge even by troll standards and, aside from obvious cyberware, he was cranked out on some serious combat drugs. He had fought twice in the last hour, killing both opponents. Mongol had been watching outside almost as long, he saw the two bodies carried out and dumped in an ally. He watched the scooter pull up and handed off to a local thug. Litany was getting a good feel of the place pretty quick, no organized gang or crime syndicate. Just a village of individual scumbags. All waiting like jackals for the weak and the stupid, too scared and hungry for a real fight. Light rivers is on the verge of a headache from the invasive spam and malware from a hundred black market commlinks and a billion RFID tags blaring all kinds of random information. The thick walls of the parking structure plus some likely pruning by the people running the club, make it a welcome relief. the Scoarboard node takes bets and money for drinks, and also has the rankings for the fighters. There are even live cams from some of the fighters cybereyes, and BTL's of the fights from simrigged fighters.
11:53pm The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown
[PAN: Genevieve Monroe, Hidden, AR]

Noise was having fun, this place was entertaining. She dodged and weaved along with the human fighter mimicking his movement subconsciously as the fight went on. She cried in joy as the Orc went down his face apparently ruined. She was just getting ready to run over to the scoreboard to claim a winning ticket when the Orc's spur caught the Human. And it was all over. She gritted her teeth and let out an angry guttural scream. She reached into the air in front of her, and virtually crushed her bet ticket, throwing the non-existent thing at the fighter as if it was a ballistic missile.

This place sucks.

She only then noticed the flashing time in the upper right corner of her vision. She'd set a 10 minute timer on her commlink and it'd been flashing for at least 3 minutes already. She easily gave up her ring side vantage point and began looking around for someone to ask who this Anni was, and where she could be found. She hadn't really paid much attention to the other occupants until now. They were the dirty beaten masses that would flock to places like this, a cesspool hiding from the rest of the world. She caught brief glimpses of those who were a little more out of place but couldn't see them long enough to get a good look.

She figured her best bet at this time would be to make her way back to the scoreboard, if the Dwarf didn't want to talk, it'd be more likely that someone near him would, like that blue haired chick.

"I'm looking for Anni. That you?" She looks directly at the blue haired girl, ignoring the fact the Dwarf even exists at this point.
11:50PM The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown

Carl made his way over to the woman with the crate moving around or over the addicts sprawled about. He checked to see if he could link her the cred required, if not he did have some scrip on him but he hated to dig into it. He also hated places like this, humanity at their absolute worst rushing forward to meet their Thanatos urge. Too recent he'd been one and the same. He was no better then anyone here but he couldn't help but mourn the choices they were making. The familiar itch on his scalp that used to come when he needed a hit started to hit him, that's why he wanted the booze, it'd take the edge off. Of course there was a sideline benefit now that the razor girl was also asking about the Anni he was sposed to meet here. That was good, saved him looking like an idiot or having to track her down himself. The thought to stick his head in the curtained booth had hit him as he came in, but that was a good way to get ones head blown off in this part of town.

10:50PM The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown

After loitering around outside for a bit Mongol checks the safety on his pistol, and moves it to his jacket pocket before entering the Splat-Hole through the front door. He watches a couple of the fights and buys a beer, carefully nursing it over the next hour to keep his cred balance at least a little bit above zero. As the time for the meet approaches goes to the bar, buys a second drink and asks the bartender.

"I am meeting a woman... Anni. Do you know her?"
11:59:00 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Litany stood out in the crowd. Aside from being a average sized human female, and being well dressed, it was her reactions to the fight. While the crowd surged and roared, she did not react, an island of stillness in a raging chaos. When the body blades came out, she turned herself away. After the third times she had to sweep aside her pncho and show her black pearl and chromed Manhunter like a badge she gave up and swept it over one shoulder so she wouldn't need to bother again.

"Hai!" barked a voice and da turned to his right, no time for a change in expression as a sickening thud and whistle of air and he let go of her hand. Ma only had time to open her mouth partway before.... there it is, the cross.

Litany stalked over to the curtain and slowly swept it aside. She stood to show herseelf to the people inside.

yours is black,and mine are white, we are all bearing crosses, a fine way to begin.

11:56PM The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown

Light Rivers began to realize, as he forwarded the cred to the dwarf's comm, that some of these people weren't as broke as they appeared. the Dwarf had a black market account running like its own stock exchange. There were still plenty of patrons handing over scrip or credsticks, some bartering with stolen electronics. The young girl with blue dreads and narrow face was watching the Orc in red with some interest until Noise approached with her question.

"I'm lookin for Anni, That you?"

The girl, slightly irritated at the distraction, shakes her head, no, and points to the curtain at the far end of the club. The Dwarf spotted Noise about then, and leaned in over the light machine gun,"hey girl, you cashing out? how you want those winnings?" As much as she lost in that last fight, she was still ahead about a hundred nuyen.


Mongol made his way past the crowd by the oil drum bar, past a pale girl with red and black hair, and an ork in a red jacket. He asked for Anni, and the girl handing him a beer pointed him at the other room where they were now hauling the half blind orc fighter from the ring, and another woman in a poncho not far behind
12:00:00AM The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown

Behind the curtain, like some old movie metaphor, the mighty warriors from the cage lay quiet and aching. Old stretchers spread out between medkits and bags of fluids. a few carts with larger, more technical machines sat along the back wall. The human with the torn up leg was out cold, his leg mummified in gauze. The whole scene was being run by three people; The first,an older man with a balding head elbows deep in a man's cyber leg. Second, a hard looking woman whose whole torso and both arms were chrome, Standing watch over the entrance. And the third was a short woman in dark grey scrubs covered in blood. she had light brown hair, eyes, and skin, and looked up at the sound of her name,"Si, I am Anni."
She nods to her friend at the door and starts speaking some kind of cityspeak, a mash of Spanish and Japanese. Light rivers picks out a few of the Spanish words, but its pretty obvious to everyone that she's telling her friend that these four were ok to be here. Anni had just started to look at the orc fighter's busted cyber eye. she told him to lie down and lead the four newcomers to an old table and chairs in the far corner.
As soon as she sits down, she gets to business"I suppose you are all here in response to a job offer?" She pauses for a second , not sure how to continue,"The man that wishes to hire you is not here. He has asked me to give you his proposal. he is a very cautious individual. Mr Johnson is my main supplier of medical supplies. He actually supplies many drugs and such to many people. But from what he tells me, his operation hit a snag. He had some kind of program on a Horizon facility node. this program siphoned drugs from the company in small, unnoticed amounts. Only now, this particular site has been closed. Two Horizon sites were shut down and moved into one big location with all new computers. Does this make sense so far?"
11:56pm The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown
[PAN: Genevieve Monroe, Hidden, AR]

"Hey girl, you cashing out? How you want those winnings?" The dwarf looked expectantly at her. Normally Noise would have issue being called 'girl' but this was one of those special times. This was one of those times where, if she didn't make a fuss about it, then she got to keep money, the essence of continued living. Money could do anything. Not having money really hampered your choices. Which, of course, is elementary math to anyone with a couple brain cells to rub together. It was with a random two brain cells rubbing together that Noise decided she'd better not say what she really wanted to say.

"On this." She held out the certified credstick to him and waited for him to transfer the funds. She snatched out of his hand as he offered it back to her and gave him a glare that he probably didn't understand where it came from. She then turned without another look at him and headed for the curtained room in the back.

12:00am The Splat-Hole, Curtained Room, Night Street, Downtown

Noise entered the curtained room and took her bearings, it was like a scene directly out of Evgenya's stories. Fighter lay all about nursing or having nursed their wounds. She noticed the Orc that had won the last fight being worked on by a woman who soon identified herself as Anni. She allowed herself to be lead to the table in the back and took a seat, almost immediately leaning back on the chair rear legs.

She let Anni talk, and when asked it was making sense, spoke up.

"New location, new computer, you vant us put program into new computer so drug start flow again."

11:56PM The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown
All things being equal Carl was a fairly uncomplicated sort so while he'd had a headache coming into this place and had been a bit put off by the atmosphere of violence a couple beers and the attention of a not to bad looking slip of a girl had improved his mood markedly. The interruption by the other person looking for Anni does ground him a bit in realisty. This isn't some sunday stroll. He mouths a quiet, "Thank you" to the girl who served him to the drink both out of sincere courtesy and because it's the sort of thing one does to impress a gal ina hive of scum and villainy. He makes an exagerated rolling of his eyes. "Finally find someone I want to talk to in this joint and get reminded i'm here on biz, sorry chica maybe later." He says making his apology and heading for the back curtain.

Once he'd gotten behind the curtain he actually laughed a bit, an open honest sound.
"They said medicine and I just heard drugs, I keep forgotting that not everythings a bad euphemism out side the trid. I think I have the same picture as she does. He nods at Noise assement.

Once that's done he looks over the others seated with him. He dresses like a ganger but without some of bravado, very little of the swagger. He talks simply and even when he's glancing at the others there's an openness about it a sense of: Welp, here we are.
12:05:37 AM, The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown

Anni's chromed cohort yelled over in the same psychobabble as before. She seemed to have questions about the cyber eye. Anni shouted back some instructions,"Wakarimas ka?"
"Sorry, where was I? oh yeah, you got the gist of it. The new site isn't fully operational yet, so there's still probably a slew of gaps in security on the technical side, but the merging of two sites put a lot of people out of work, and there's protesters camped out nearby, so Horizon has sent more boots on the ground to keep things in check. This is kind of getting into the details though, First I gotta know if you guys are down for the job?"
12:05:43 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

She just nodded in response to the question, at the moment she was still trying to work out the composition of the group at the table. There was bound to be some details to work out, and it was important to get a feel for everyone before she started working.

Mongol's ears perk up at the mention of Horizon, and the potential for screwing with them. He nods slowly as Anni explains the requirements for the job. Anyone looking closely at him notices his hands slowly clenching and unclenching into fists as Anni outlines the job.

hopefully the rest of these guys know more about computers... Horizon though... seems strange... They do medicine?
12:05:46 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

"Unfortunately this is the ugly part of the biz where someones gotta talk about gettin' paid. Don't get me wrong I'll bash heads any time for the Black Cross and the Neo-A's but tangling with the big boys at their new facility goes a bit beyond pro-bueno." He scratches his chin slightly considering. "Also lets presume the spirits favor our endeavers and we get there and get into the system, if we're spotted by all that extra muscle do you think it will spoil the suprise? Such a thing could cause them to do a full audit? I can move quiet if I have to but I know my limitations, I'm no trid ninja."
12:06:39 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

The String of lights overhead dim for a second as sparks fly from the cyber leg the old man is working on. Anni is watching Mongol's knuckles turn white as she considers what Light river's is saying,"I feel ya on the money, this is no charity ward here. The Johnson's offered 60k with 10 up front. He also has someone on the inside willing to help. This person's got a program made up and info on the building. From what I hear they have a hard wired node that they have to input shipments directly, with codes for drugs and locations. Also, the protesters could make good distractions or scapegoats. " She glances over the group, her pale brown eyes settling on the white cross on Litany's gun,"Not that I'm telling you how to do your job or anything. The person with the real info will meet with you on Saturday at the Gold Lion Executive sweets downtown, 9pm, room 1604"
12:07:02 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Well, this was certainly better then expected. Even with having to split it four ways, the sixty large was a nice number. She looked around at the other three there who would appear to be her teammates, the men she gave a quick once over and dismissed in her mind, she did give Litany a good look over though. she looked like she could handle herself, but what was with the crosses? She looked to the Orc, typical muscle looked like, nothing fancy. The other guy though, pretty lightly armed/armoured, and was just talking about spirits, must be some kind of mage.

She looked back to Anni. "Sorry if misunderstand, you give 10 now? Or Johnson do?" She flicked her eyes towards the two men there with her. "Are sure ok to vork vith svóloch'?"

She moved a hand under her overcoat to rest on the hilt of one of her swords just in case she didn't like the answer.
QUOTE (GrimWulf @ Apr 13 2010, 08:22 PM) *
"Sorry if misunderstand, you give 10 now? Or Johnson do?" She flicked her eyes towards the two men there with her. "Are sure ok to vork vith abizyana?"

She moved a hand under her overcoat to rest on the hilt of one of her swords just in case she didn't like the answer.

12:07:06 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

The Ork ganger blinked several times. Internally he was confused so he executed a quick matrix search and was now even more confused.
Hoo boy this is going to be one of them deals. Why would she call herself a monkey? Ok hrmmm how best to defuse this, strength through peace an' unity an' all that. On the other hand I don't talk russian but I speak threat fluently, need to nip this in the bud or she'll try and stick me with that pig sticker as a debate technique somewhere's down the line.

He brought his hands up on the table very slowly and deliberately laying them atop the pitted wood and steepling them pensively as he turned to face Noise.

"Welp as long as we're dispelling the myth that we're professionals here in front of the lady J" He gives a slight nod of defferance to Ani. "I'll simply be stating that I don't know you from Eve lady so I didn't have a problem with you until ten seconds ago. Now having said that you've just threatened me so the obvious and easy thing for me to do is presume your going to continue to do so and just walk away, sure I don't get paid but it means I don't have to fight you, it by proxy means you are that much less likely to succeed and the job and get paid. I'm a trix guy among other things, I can make money sitting on my couch. I'm doing this as a favor to my fixer and because the percentages are better for the time involved. So i'll bottom line it again. He counts them off in his fingers exaggerating the motions so the others will think it's grandstanding and not because he's had barely any schooling. "Option 1: We can continue to posture and look for problems where there are none in which case I walk. Option 2: We can do the job and get paid pretending this never happened. Option 3: You can get this urge to stab me out of your system right now by making the attempt, it's not the pleasant option but it's preferable to have it come now rather then later." He nods his head to her as a sign of respect before turning to face Ani again. If the blow comes it won't be the first time he's been stabbed although first time for a full on sword, but at least he's in a clinic.

"Hokay so, as the J's representative I think I need to ask you for a raise considering things seem to be more dangerous now.
12:08:02 The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

"...I'm a trix guy..." that just leaves one to figure... good enough. Time put a word in.

Litany focused on her ARO persona image and pushed it at the ork while he was still running through his options. She prepped her request with instructions to her system to slave itself if the ork accepted the link and she dumped a subvocalized message in with her connection request.<If you would be kind enough to pull the team into a private net we can chat without bedeviling poor little Anni or each other while we work things out.>

She let him finish speaking before she moved. Leaning forward to capture their attention, she spoke, "We are doing this as a team, otherwise you may as well get up and go earn your pay other side of the curtain." Looking all around the table she continued, "If you stay here you are in." with barely a pause she continued, focusing on the the short woman in dark colored scrubs, "I am certain you have chosen the right people for this, however a facility and the resources available to oppose our efforts Mr. Johnson's behalf may require more up front capital to overcome. In addition while the situation may seem favorable, it's actually an increase in potential risk. The more people around, whichever side they are on, is still more people to manage."

"Do we discuss the ramifications of this with you or Mr Johnson?"
12:09:24 am The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Anni watched as egos collided. The mental cock fight reigned in by the smell of money. Her tired and caring nurse demeanor faded leaving a calculating mercenary in its place,"I'm glad to see we're getting to business. I thought for a moment things were going to get stupid."A side glance moves to Noise as Anni folds her arms, "For the record, me and my chica over there are the only ones that do any cutting back here."
The Orc made some good points, and the girl in the poncho seemed like a real pro. Its not my money anyway..."look, I'm not gonna waste time haggling like a street merchant. The man with the plan is willing to go 80 with 20 up front. If that doesn't sugar your coffee, I'll have to talk to him again, and that takes time."
Mongol looks across the table at the woman who called him... well he wasn't sure what she called him but her body language suggested it wasn't nice. In an instant he mentally moved her from... coworker to possible threat. As the other Ork spoke up he slowly put his hand into his jacket pocket and closed it around the grip of his pistol, his smartlink coming online, his gaze leveled at Noise.

Now why would she start trouble? I don't know enough about how business is done here... maybe insults are part of it... doesn't seem like it though... Back home we would go to war over this sort of shit.
12:09:56 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Noise moved her hand away from under hr overcoat and let it fall back down over her side. She pulls out a cigarette and sucks on the butt, but doesn't light it. She folds her arms and stares up at a light on the ceiling. Then she shuts up. It's the only thing for her do to at the moment.
12:09:55 The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Ignoring the interplay at the table Litany answered, "We accept."

The audio ARO stream containing the meet point with Mr Johnson flipped into the mapping ARO and hooked up with her scheduler and the standard to do list. Mentally she prioritzed the team discussion to the top.

"The meeting protocol for Saturday?", she inquired politely... our Introductions to the fine fellow who's paying for our sins..
12:10:03 The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

The Rumbles of another fight penetrate the curtain like a jet landing at SeaTac, and Anni raises her voice ever so slightly. As Noise relaxes, so does Anni and she focuses more of her attention to Litany,"The Hotel is a high cred place not far from the Pyramid. I'd dress as good as you can, and be as discreet as possible. The meet is with a Tony White, and the front desk is expecting the nine o'clock meeting, but they don't have any details. Tony should be waiting for you in the room."
Light Rivers nodded his assent at Litany's statement actually appreciating that she took the lead in negotiations. He slaved her to his biological pan after checking to making sure there would be no way to deduce he wasn't actually running things off a comlink. He also sent out invites to the rest of the team to join the network using universal matrix symbols to get around any language barriers.
Mongol nods slowly.

I suppose I should say something so that everyone doesn't think I'm a complete idiot. I guess I should go get some better cloths too. Good thing we got an advance.

"Yes, that seems very good. I will be there."

Mongol ignores the invite to the teams VPN until the meet breaks up. He's not sure what the etiquette would be for pulling out his link during the middle of the meet, and other than the touchscreen on his comlink he has no way of interfacing with it.
12:10:36 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Noise is distracted by the small but incessant tone coming from her commlink and slips down her goggles to see what it's complaining about. She imeddiately notices the invite from Light, and some spam messages that got through her firewall about some Nigerians or something. So, not a mage after all, some bible thumping hacker maybe? She accepts the link noticing, with small relief, that at least she isn't the last one in.

Anni's mention of the Pyramid catches Noise's attention belatedly and she stops her roof watching to pay more attention the conversation. Drek, that whole area is mega-nuyen land. I ain't got the clothes for that shit.

She gives a quick curt nod along with the others to show her assent that she'll be there, all the while still thinking about what she's gonna do about the clothes.
12:11:13 the Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Anni nodded in response to the groups acceptance, a few strands of brown hair falling forward, she reaches for two small takeout boxes on the table and slides them towards the group,"then its settled, there's a commnumber in there to reach me if you need to. we'll make arrangements on the rest of your cred after the job."
She looks to the other woman trying to sauder the Orc's cyber eye,"Now If you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to work myself" she stands signaling her guests that its time to go,"Good luck with everything."
12:12:08 The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

She tried flinching as the hypersonic drill sparkled iridescently as it bore into her eyeball, "Vut girl! Don't worry your pretty baby blues... chromes. Yeah, I look good in those." Hernandez squeezed her hand, she could feel the tension in his hands as tried to reassure her. The masked woman in scrubs jerked suddenly, "Crap, oh gross...". Hernandez looked down, she could see his face go pale and he let go of her hand and bent over the sink and threw up. "Dammit I should have worn my boots, ahhhh, I can feel it between my toes... well, you don't need them anymore anyways, you just lay there a sec while I scrub my feet." she drifted out of Litany's view muttering about her ruined sandals. She called back as the sound of water splashing in the sink began, "We still got one for the color reference, so no problem. Geez did you have to barf your lunch on me too Hernandez?"

Litany left the table and stepped outside the curtain into the open area where the bloody fights were continuing through another round of action. This time she swept back her slicker right away and hooked it to show her colts. As the team clustered she spoke aloud, "Coffee?

Over the private net she added <<we can get to know each other a little better>> a little drink, some food. chatter a bit before we really get serious with each other. It's only our lives we're playing with.
12:12:22 The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Noise watches with surprise as Litany walks out without the pay. Noise gladly grabs both boxes, nodding at Anni as she does so. She hands one box reluctantly to Light and grabs a pair of chopsticks to go along with her box. She shrugs to Mongol as she follows Litany out of the curtained room.

Litany stops after awhile, turns and shows her guns off, which causes Noise to shrug outwardly, inwardly she briefly wonders if that's all the other woman is hiding. "Coffee?"

Noise nods and simply says "Da."

She opens the takeout box and digs around with the chopsticks a bit, she frowns when all she finds for food itself is what's left of a plain rice dish. "Food too." She adds to her earlier comment.
12:13:00 The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Seattle

Mongol nods again to Anni, almost more of a half bow actually and follows the others out of the clinic.

When he sees Litany pull her jacket back he shakes his head slightly, wondering why everyone seems to feel it is necessary to show off their weapons... I mean a gun is a gun... Sorta like pants, or boots... I mean it's just one of those things that you don't leave the house without putting on... Frag it all, these civilized people are weird.

The mention of Coffee and perhaps more importantly Food perks him up though.

"Yes, that would be good..." He pauses and looks around at their surroundings. "maybe not here?"
12:13:01 The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Sea

Light came out from behind the curtain after nodding to Ani. He'd checked the box top and memorized the number there before palming out the credstick into the inner breast pocket of his armored jack. In the private network he added an AR whiteboard with assets written on it and tabulated up their 10K advance with a notation of two certified cred sticks. He also recorded the comcode number on the groups roving info hub he took the liberty of setting up in his bio-pan. As soon as the opportunity presented himself he dumped the take out box in a fire barrel.

"If I 'member right there's a grey market a few blocks from here, goes on all night and has some noodle stalls and junk. We find a wall to lean on and talk no one will give us a second glance. It's not the sort of place where it's good business to pry. You want something a little more classy I'm sure we can range out and find a doughnut shop or such."
12:13:21 The Splat-Hole, Night Street, Downtown Sea

"Noodles fine. Doughnuts too fatty." She plucked the credstick out of the takeout box and tossed the box aside. She tries to look over Light's shoulder as a sudden roar from the crowd grabs her attention.
12:30:00 Light's Noodlehouse, Downtown Seattle

Mongol digs into the bowl of noodles he bought with considerable gusto. With his share of the downpayment he wasn't concerned about spending the money to not only get the extra large bowl, but even adding some soypork to it as well. Between mouthfuls he surveyed the others and said.

"People call me Mongol... I guess cause that's where I am from. Ummm.... I am a... Well... I fought in the Desert Wars for my whole life... I left... Now I am here. I am sorry that my English is not so good, but I am good at... Well I am good at the Desert Wars." He shrugs slightly as if that explanation is enough.
12:30:00 Noodlehouse, Downtown Seattle

Your english sounds fine to me, my names Light Rivers, or rather that would be my indian name so I guess it's what I go by. I'm a Seattle native, barely been out of the city, and over the last year I've started following the old ways like the NANers do, making me what the local call a pink skin, a whitey or in my case whitey-spic who acts like an injun. He sighs and looks around making sure no one is watching or paying too close attention. I've ran with a gang as long as i've been old enough to do so, which since i'm an ork was like six. But recently like I said I got religion in fact the guy who was training me was even doing so so I could be a shaman, well it didn't take, spirits of magic just don't pay me no mind." ...another furtive glance around "But spirits of tech do, and a guy from the barrio can do things with just his brain that I can't rightly explain to computers when previously all I wanted to make sure of was the trid channels came in right by adjusting the tin foil on the antenna. So in short, i don't know how I am but now I'm a Techno. I thought about trying to keep this quiet but I figure if we gonna roll like we're blood brothers and sisters knowing this might save our hoops, so better to be upfront about what I can do, just don't ask me how I do it, I've tried to pick up some book learning to explain now that I can pretty much peel into the matrix anytime I want, but it's left me more questions then answers.
12:32:10 Noodle house, Downtown Seattle

There was a time when city streets would look empty at night. All but the most unsavory characters would be home tucked into their beds. Now the streets lay somewhere beneath the ever present blanket of footsteps, chattering with high heels and sloshing puddles. Third shifters and night owls shuffle by, trying not to make eye contact. As Light scans the scene, he finds only one Dickensian boy glancing his way as he waits near a dumpster for someone to toss some decent leftovers.
12:32:30 Noodle house, Downtown Seattle

Noise picks at the bowl, pushing it's contents around, unsatisfied with the quality of what she purchased, or maybe it just wasn't what she was really looking for, either way she wasn't as hungry as she'd though she'd been and so does little more then run circles about the bowl with her chopsticks. The place did have one prime benefit at least. A roof. Why does it always have to rain in this shitty city? She can't remember the last day when it didn't rain, and when the sun did come out, all it did was bring about the filthy smell of the city.

Finally shoving the bowl aside, she pulls a smoke out from a breast pocket of her coat and lights it, not caring if others around her are still eating. She takes a long drag and the blows the smoke straight up in the air above her, watching how the light plays with it, always seeking a way around and through, the smoke itself seemingly a living thing.

She's been pretending to listen this whole time while the men get chummy with each other. Noise does give a small start however when she notices that both of them have gone silent and are looking somewhat expectant to herself and the other woman.

Noise spits off to the side and turns to face them directly. "I am called Genevieve Galipilova. Is my real name, but make no difference. That person never exist. Most call Noise now." she shrugs and takes another puff. They look like they expect more, so she reluctantly continues patting the hilts of her twin swords as she does so. "I very good with these. Very good. If lucky, show you how by not showing you."

She quirks her head to the side, her red and black hair falling over her eyes, this seems to be some sort of sign that she's finished talking for now as she doesn't continue.
12:33:26 Noodle House, Downtown Seattle

The reed mat was clean and smelled natural and fresh. It was small, just enough to give some padding for someone kneeling and meditating on the hardwood floor. Shinji was doing just that, the pattern of the ritual ingrained from his early childhood. He bounded up and reached for his family katana before turning and proudly displaying it to her, "Mary check this out!"

She shot him in the stomach, the rounds knocked him down gasping for breath. She followed with two more into his abdomen and he was even too stunned to curl up with the pain. Litany pulled the blade out, carefully avoiding looking at it closely and sliced him open following the directions she'd been given. She stood over him for a moment, then moved away from the pooling blood and intestines and walked out of the room.

If only he hadn't been the son of one of the few catholic Imperial Naval officers she'd never have been able to seduce him and get into his home. If only he hadn't been japanese, she'd might not have sliced his stomach open and spilled his intestines out all over his family shrine. He should have never have joined the catholic school even if it was the best private school in the city.

Litany should have never have let it get past the first date.

She'd taken a few bites of the noodles to be polite, something warm and salty wasn't a bad thing to savor. Mostly she listened but when the woman started tapping her blades she went still and struggled to shut down her wires and chips, all of them screaming to kick out and plant the soles of her feet on the hilts locking them in place while twisting to gain range so she could clear her HoGs and start planting blood and bone and flesh flowers all over the woman's exposed flesh.

Litany carefully picked up the bowl in both hands and sipped out some of the broth before setting it down and making her own introduction. "Litany. Chipped and wired all under the skin. Handy with the colts, but mostly I prefer words over bullets." but either one can get you killed just as easily."I've been around,so I know a few people."

"Which way do you all want to go on this?"
QUOTE (GrimWulf @ May 4 2010, 11:40 PM) *
12:32:30 Noodle house, Downtown Seattle
"I very good with these. Very good. If lucky, show you how by not showing you."[/color]

She quirks her head to the side, her red and black hair falling over her eyes, this seems to be some sort of sign that she's finished talking for now as she doesn't continue.

Mongol quirks an eyebrow... Fuck me... I hate cocky assholes. I need to call her on this before she goes all lone wolf on our ass and gets everyone killed.

"Diew Lei! Look... What your problem is? I don't know, I also don't give shit! You have a big fucking knife and we supposed to piss pants? Fuck that! I've been shot, stabbed, blown up once, spent a day cleaning sons blood out of jacket. If you gonna use it, use it now, cause when someone is shooting at us and you wanna go all... Bak Chee Tsee we'll all get dead... We solve this NOW!
12:33:34 Noodle House, Downtown Seattle

Everyone in ear shot just got a little quieter. A few eyes shifted to the group, while others looked away harder. Suddenly there was a little more room around Mongol and the crew. Only the drones whizzing by were oblivious to the rising tension.
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