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Full Version: Best Vietnam War video games?
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Wounded Ronin
In your opinion, what were/are the best Vietnam War video games?

Ones I've played and absolutely loved include,

SEAL Team (Electronic Arts, most under-rated tactical Vietnam game EVER! Play it on DOSBox!)
Vietcong 1&2
Line of Sight: Vietnam
Last Months In Nam mod for Operation Flashpoint

I've also played:
Conflict: Vietnam (had some great elements, but overall execution was a bit silly)
Shellshock 2 (supposedly horror-themed Vietnam war game with zombies that was less scary than the actual real Vietnam war and which featured a Jane Fonda lookalike who grabbed a rifle and got into firefights, what a great way to keep the atmosphere guys)
SOG (amazing concept, but bugged to the point of unplayability)
Platoon for NES (lol!)

Are there any really good Vietnam War games out there that I'm missing? I like tactical FPS, but I could also spring for other formats, even old strategy games from the 80s. I don't particularly care for multiplayer gaming, usually I prefer campaign mode.
grab a amiga emulator and the lost patrol.
Wounded Ronin
Oh my god, that looks absolutely amazing, especially for the year.
It's not Vietnam, but I heartily recommend World in Conflict. It's a military RTS that is (prepare to suffer a heart attack and die from sheer astonishment) not set during World War II! Instead, the plot takes place in the late 80s and follows a hypothetical Soviet invasion of Western Europe and then the United States. Very well done.
QUOTE (Wounded Ronin @ Apr 9 2010, 02:46 AM) *
Oh my god, that looks absolutely amazing, especially for the year.

the amiga had custom hardware that could handle some quite impressive 2D graphics. Sadly, it could not handle the 2.5D graphics of doom and similar equally well, and so the gaming torch passed to the x86 PC.
WR, it's not Vietnam, but you might like this game:

I haven't played it myself, but when I saw the description I thought this might be your kind of game. In general, you might want to get an Impulse account, they have TONS of these little inexpensive, off the beaten path games you like.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Backgammon @ Apr 9 2010, 08:42 AM) *
WR, it's not Vietnam, but you might like this game:

I haven't played it myself, but when I saw the description I thought this might be your kind of game. In general, you might want to get an Impulse account, they have TONS of these little inexpensive, off the beaten path games you like.

I heard it was super buggy, but I think I've actually got a shrinkwrapped copy of that lying under my big pile of computer desk crap. Maybe I *should* just go ahead and install it.
ARMA2 wasn't terribly buggy that I experienced, and was kinda cool in that the ops you pull are actually realistic for what your unit is.

they should have patched most of the problems, so I'd give it a shot if I was you.
Wounded Ronin
QUOTE (Fix-it @ Apr 11 2010, 12:03 AM) *
ARMA2 wasn't terribly buggy that I experienced, and was kinda cool in that the ops you pull are actually realistic for what your unit is.

they should have patched most of the problems, so I'd give it a shot if I was you.

I'll definitely do that, then.

Yeah, the operation flashpoint franchise (not including Dragon Rising which is of course different) was always cool because the missions could totally go south and in a lot of situations it was okay to fail the mission but survive to go on to the next mission.
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