On Sundays I GM a game with two players. It was supposed to be four but the hubby/wife who were going to get involved got ran over with RL. We've finished 3 runs so far and synergy is good, but could use more players. I'm specifically looking for 1 player, maybe 2, at the moment. We primarily will need a Hacker and a Sammy. We've got a combat mage and a face/B&E (abilities debateable but it makes for some tense moments...
We play over AOL chat, it's free, and lends itself to necessary private discussions as well without banging up the main play window's tempo. Been debating on buying Vent to setup a server but that's a different discussion. We play on Sundays at 11AM PST to 3PM PST (that's 2PM-6PM EST). The group itself is RP-centric, so if you're not into medium to heavy roleplay rather then a constant dice-fest, this isn't the game for you. The flavor of the game is downright deadly. Milk and Cookie runs can get you killed, AAA corps are out of their league still. (EX: A gang leader/Johnson was double fireballed ritually for annoying another gang that's associated with Aztechnology. He didn't make it.) Admittedly part of this is due to a limited team, but I don't want anyone surprised when the guards split up in 5 directions to avoid getting pounded by grenades or that AAA guard squads patrolling the place have a little astral backup chilling out for counterspelling and know where to run for ward bunkers and the like.
The game itself is based in Denver with a relaxed ruleset under Ghostwalker, and is not pure canon. Of specific note is that the internal borders currently aren't sealed or checkpointed internally, but that's liable to change in the near future due to IC events. Leaving the city is a different discussion altogether. Laws have been decreed against the usage of rfids in food products, and they must be wiped when you purchase an item and are leaving the store (Your underwear and your stuffer shack snacks are not your enemy). We haven't nailed things down onto the map and I'm a little behind in my world lore, so what you EXPECT in Denver is not always going to be there... though I'm willing to discuss anything, and am catching up slowly.
General GM and game style is sandbox. What you do *does* affect the world though, and impact can vary. My runs are usually designed more fluidly then mission styles, which makes for a more dynamic game, but you've got to deal with a GM working on the fly on occassion if you decide to derail the couple of options I sketched out as most likely events.
Some base CC rules:
Runner Companion special breeds are out, as are technomancers. I'm still getting a handle on the new matrix and there's enough debate on their 'broken-ness' that I'm at the 'one thing at a time' stage. Char creation is karmagen, all books are open for discussion/approval though, unless specifically restricted. I would prefer, due to the current players, to avoid anyone who's got schizophrenia, a great desire to tote their panzer assault through town on their volkswagon's roof, or any other serious social malfunctions. They can be fun to play (and play with) but not in this environment.
Character sheets/concepts/questions can be brought up here or PM me. I'll be looking for significant backgrounds after a week or two of play to see if you want to stay with the group, but at the beginning reasonable blurbs and char concepts will help tremendously. New and old players are welcome, I'm more interested in good team synergy and char design then someone who knows every rule by heart (though that couldn't hurt either).
That was a lot more wordy then I originally expected so I'll stop now and see if there's interest before going further.