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I know there are MANY metavariant builds already available. What I am looking for is something new as a base. What are the general mechanical guidelines? how much + to how much -? for example if I wanted to make a creature from a high gravity, high temp world, how much str and body bonus is fair. Tradeoffs always exist. the down side here is a intolerance for our atmosphere, and that they need the high pressure to not explode.
Ol' Scratch
There's no way to really build a successful system for creating races. The game designers sort of tried to incorporate a method into the Changeling rules in the Runner's Companion, but if you sit down and try to build any of the core races using it you get grossly overpriced results. I think the troll was in the 200 BP range based solely on their attributes. Crazy.

What you need to do is sit down and think every step through. What are the absolute minimum requirements for your new race, and are they really a new race or simply a variation of an existing one? Once you have the minimum attributes, just add 5 and you have the maximums, and the augmented maximums are 50% over that (rounded down). What other minor, less tangible abilities do they all have? Does it fit all three of the major character creation systems with similar outcomes amongst them?

Once you've done all that, take a break, go eat a sammich or watch some TV. Then come back and look it over again and compare it to the other core races. Take a couple of archetypes and apply the same modifiers to your new race and the two core races you think are the closest match. Did your new race create a character that looks more powerful or significantly weaker than the other two? If so, you need to either adjust the race or increase/decrease the BP cost proportionately.

It's really basic stuff, honestly. And none of it can successfully be captured by a "race creation system."

You also have to make sure the race really belongs. A "creature from a high gravity, high temp world" doesn't make a lot of sense for Shadowrun. Which I can only assume you're looking for help with. The best place to start is looking backwards to Earthdawn and choosing one of the races that didn't make it to the Sixth World. The T'skrang would be your best bet; they're the most metahumany of the major Namegiver races and one that the Changeling rules actually can help you with once you get the attributes worked out. Real world mythology is another great source, and converting metavariants to core races is an even better idea (I've done that with the Satyr; ork metavariant my ass).

The one thing you have to absolutely make sure you don't incorporate is a 'rareness tax.' That doesn't belong in any character creation system, and it's something dictated by individual GMs and their variations of the game setting.
And still in SR you lack the Namegivers. So you can't really create a new race because of that.

Surge Class III is what you need and a comprehensive GM. You need to keep the ration 2 Positive for 1 negative BP of Quality. You could make a Ganesha Atarki, and so on.

If your GM allows it you can make any races you want, but you need to have a good background.
Ol' Scratch
Eh? Windlings have already made their reappearance, and considering that they're one of the more magical races, there's no reason to really think that the others can't express and be sustained now, too.

Working Obsidamen in would be a piece of cake. A great dragon could have taken it upon themselves (or been offered something) to protect one or more Liferocks in their lair during the downtime, protecting it with rituals not unlike what Ghostwalker did with his physical body while his spirit was away. Those Liferocks could simply be waiting for the mana levels to reach the proper level, and a SURGE-style effect could prematurely awaken one or more. I could easily see Dunkelzahn, and by proxy the Draco Foundation, agreeing to something like that, as well as a few other greats. I've also heard rumors about the developers considering flesh form earth elementals or other weirdness, but meh on that. Occam's razor for me.

The same thing goes with the T'skrang. They're pretty close to being doable with the SURGE rules as is. All it would take is for them to become widespread enough in a new "goblinization" event and they could be considered a proper race, rather than a quirky changeling. Once "goblinized" they could then proceed to reproduce properly.
Basic: Take the Metatype you want to start with. Add the surge class III and build around it. If you are the GM you can do pretty much anything you want.

Surge Class 3 reads in it : At least 30 Positive and 15 negative. Yup it's all interpretation there but you are the GM right ?
Jeremys Brain
I asked this same question a year ago and got a pretty good answer.

Check out post #5 it includes a breakdown of all the metatypes and their point builds. It is a pretty good guidline to use.
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