As Wasabi pointed out regarding the Metagenic trait here: looks like the cap could potentially be...
6 base attribute
0-4 race (depending on which attribute it is and which race, variable BP cost depending on which race you pick)
6 skill
Edit: You may only pick two of the following positive qualities, because starting positive qualities are capped at 35 and they would cumulatively require 40 BP.
1 exceptional attribute (20 BP and must spend 10 more BP to raise the attribute -- p91 SR4A)
1 genetic optimization (10 BP, costs 39.2k nuyen (20% reduction from quality, still 8 BP for that nuyen) and must spend 10 more BP to raise the attribute -- p89, Au)
1 surge to further genetically optimize (10 BP and must spend 10 more BP to raise the attribute and must also take 10 points of negative surge qualities for "free" but you do get 5 more positive surge qualities for "free" as well -- p114 RC)
Total of 14 to 18, but the x2 is rounded up, so a total of 28-36 dice.
28-36 dice (depending on which attribute you're going for and which race you pick)? And that's for any attribute/skill (depending on how your race affected it). You'd have to be pulling some serious mojo to get that many modifiers... I'm not even sure that you could actually fill up your cap. But it's good to know that the sky's the limit and that you could be rolling 16 to 20 dice (with a speciality) before any modifiers are added in.
There are two ways to buy this. Either leave off the 20 BP quality (which will cost 40 karma to buy after character creation) or leave off a 10 BP quality (which will cost 20 karma to buy after character creation). The first is cheaper in the short run, the latter will eventually pay off when you make Super-whatever the best in the world at whatever it is that he does.
It only costs 123 or 133 BP (plus whatever BP you spend on race), with 800 extra nuyen to spend on whatever you want.Edit: forgot to add the BP necessary to get the nuyen to buy the geneware -- an extra 8 BP with 800 nuyen left over.
Edit: True, humans would have a +0 to race.
Edit: I mixed up counting how many boxes of damage you have, where it's =RoundUp(8+attribute/2) and thus was adding an extra die to the total starting cap.
Edit: I forgot to check for only 35 BP in positive qualities, so only two of those uber qualities (not all three) could be taken at character creation.