Apr 18 2010, 04:49 AM
I'm looking for two or three more players to play in my SR4A game. It'll be on Tuesday nights at 7pm CST. I would like regular players because I'm going to be running the SRM2 series of modules. I have a Mystic Adept and Technomancer so far. Hopefully there'll be enough players to start on the 27th. I'll be using Skype, so the game will be text with voice for OOC chatter for anyone who has it.
Apr 18 2010, 09:02 AM
I might be interested. I would have to talk to you more to insure that I was a good fit as a player as well as my character idea being acceptable. I am not familiar with the SRM2 modules which is good in the fact that it will make the runs new to me, but less so in the fact that I have no idea where they take place or some of the other information that would be useful in building a character. So, a briefing on what I need to know would be useful. Feel free to message me to discuss things with me. I see no need to clutter your forum post with that sort of thing, but did not want to just fire off a message to you until I was sure it was a welcome option. If it is unwelcome that is fine to. You mentioned skype, so that can be used to communicate in real time and to get a feel for each other should that be desired. I look forward to hearing back from you and thank you for your time in reading my post and your service in running a game even if I am not a part of it. Having failed at GMing before I know the sort of work it is and appreciate those who can do it well.
Apr 18 2010, 05:22 PM
QUOTE (void_forger @ Apr 18 2010, 10:02 AM)

I might be interested. I would have to talk to you more to insure that I was a good fit as a player as well as my character idea being acceptable. I am not familiar with the SRM2 modules which is good in the fact that it will make the runs new to me, but less so in the fact that I have no idea where they take place or some of the other information that would be useful in building a character. So, a briefing on what I need to know would be useful. Feel free to message me to discuss things with me. I see no need to clutter your forum post with that sort of thing, but did not want to just fire off a message to you until I was sure it was a welcome option. If it is unwelcome that is fine to. You mentioned skype, so that can be used to communicate in real time and to get a feel for each other should that be desired. I look forward to hearing back from you and thank you for your time in reading my post and your service in running a game even if I am not a part of it. Having failed at GMing before I know the sort of work it is and appreciate those who can do it well.
I am one of the players for his game. So far we have 3 players. Mystical adept, technomancer and street sam with rigging. I am on skype as mrfix-itofmassage (hit me up)
Apr 19 2010, 12:20 PM
Definately sign me up for this if you have room. Weekends are hard since no idea what's going on, but weeknights are a different story. Just curious what does the MA spec in?
Apr 19 2010, 10:05 PM
I've split the group so I can place you in the second one. It wouldn't be on Tuesday though, but still in the week.
EDIT: So the second group would be on Thursday, but still at 7pm CST.
Apr 21 2010, 04:23 AM
I don't know if you're still looking for players or have room, but I'd love to play. Either time would work. I'm unfortunately a shadowrun newbie. I've read the rulebooks and lots of fluff/session recaps. I just haven't been able to find a game near me. If you still have room for me, my skype name is erkthemagician.
Apr 22 2010, 02:33 AM
Okay so Erk I've added you on Skype.
Tymire are you still going to play? If so, you and Erk will bring the group total up to four. That would be enough to start playing on the 29th, though there would still be room for one other.
Apr 22 2010, 02:26 PM
Yep, sounds good. Just checking SR2 is still Seattle right? Just checking what does everyone else plan on creating so far?
Apr 22 2010, 05:36 PM
Shadowrun missions 2 or SRM2 is set in Denver and uses 4th edition rules. If we are using a different ruleset I need to know so that I can fix my character. My current idea is a changeling ripper doc that builds all his own stuff. This means he would operate as the team's medic and tech guy. This may change if we are using an earlier edition as I came up with the idea based on the 4th edition rules and it might not work as well with others.
Apr 23 2010, 09:55 AM
It'll be using the SR4A rules, assuming they are different then normal SR4. Still room for one more player, maybe the current players should say what types they're playing in case someone is looking to play a specific character.
Fifth player or not we'll be starting on the 29th, so all completed character sheets and backgrounds need to be in by the day before for all who intend to be at the first game.
Last of all, don't forget to hit me up with any questions.
Apr 28 2010, 04:12 AM
I would love to play in this game im sorta new i know most the rules and as im running a game as well I am picking up the rest of the rules fast. If you have a free spot let me know I can have a character ready asap. Also a friend of mine would like to play as well if you have a spot for him too that would be great if not no biggie. You can hit me up at or skype at logan.mack0427
Apr 28 2010, 07:49 AM
I would also love to join -- banaticus.
Apr 28 2010, 07:49 AM
Double post.
Apr 30 2010, 03:34 AM
I've added you both on Skype so we can talk there.
This'll likely mean it's all full, but if a space opens up for whatever I'll post here to advertise.
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