More minor editing errors-- Everyone's Your Friend appearing on the footer of Map #2, etc. I enjoyed this mod, but to be fair some of my gaming group thought it was on the verge of the silly side. While the Johnson did need to be slapped, the premise seemed very feasible to me.
I am on the fence about this part though
[ Spoiler ]
The mod "teaches" us that unprofessional Johnsons need to be controlled-- I like this reinforcement, but we dismissed his activities as bad writing (assumption) and suspended some realism and role playing b/c of this to speed up play. I expect that this lesson will be followed by the SRM staff editing out scenes like this that are just bad writing-- I want consistency, and then I'll like this addition.
There's a lot of detail in this mod: maps, security, art exhibits (which interested me enough to look at ALL of them, even a menu handout. There was also a point that stopped the table for ethics, or in my table's case "professionalism" discussion: could we do something. The higher thinking moment, rewarding combat (option), and details made this an enjoyable mod for me. In addition, the rewards (and even some of the corporate affiliations goals/rewards) were nice too.
All that sunny stuff, I do have one pretty big complaint: TR scaling. Wow, was this missed! There's a huge jump at TR 3, and then it levels out a lot.