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Full Version: Review: SRM03-01 Ready, Set, Gogh
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
More minor editing errors-- Everyone's Your Friend appearing on the footer of Map #2, etc. I enjoyed this mod, but to be fair some of my gaming group thought it was on the verge of the silly side. While the Johnson did need to be slapped, the premise seemed very feasible to me.

I am on the fence about this part though
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There's a lot of detail in this mod: maps, security, art exhibits (which interested me enough to look at ALL of them, even a menu handout. There was also a point that stopped the table for ethics, or in my table's case "professionalism" discussion: could we do something. The higher thinking moment, rewarding combat (option), and details made this an enjoyable mod for me. In addition, the rewards (and even some of the corporate affiliations goals/rewards) were nice too.

All that sunny stuff, I do have one pretty big complaint: TR scaling. Wow, was this missed! There's a huge jump at TR 3, and then it levels out a lot.
I've never GM'd this mod, nor have I read it, but I have to say when I played it last year I had a great time!

I enjoyed trying to figure out how to accomplish the main goal of the mission and, one of my favorite fight scenes was in this mod.

Thought it was interesting, and yes, a little silly to some extent, but for me that actually made it more fun.

As a player, I wasn't ever bored, and again, I had a really good time playing. A good table and a good GM obviously helped...

Loved this module, though it did lead to part of the event discussed in my comments on SRM3-00.

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Oh, forgot these-- some minor "reality" errors that should have been caught in editing. One bothered a teammate more than me:
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In response to Sainthax:

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QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ May 3 2010, 03:04 PM) *
In response to Sainthax:

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Oh, the first part bothers me more
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I just ran this last night for my local group, which had a balanced crew of 2 sams, 2 technomancers, a drone Rigger (from the book), and a mage. They ran at table rating 5.
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My problems with this mod are the following
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I was at chance's table last night so i'll throw in a response.

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Payment error
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As a side note, I've seen a lot of payouts vary greatly between GM's.
It's 250 X TR per net hits, his math should be right. As the pornomancer in question I think I did my bit for the team then and there. smile.gif Of coruse then over the course of the rest of the mission I had to shoot myself.
"Each net hit will raise the price (250¥ * TR) to a maximum of 5."

I read that as for every point of table rating, increase it by 250, so TR 5 should be 1250 per hit. The face spent edge to max his hits which gives him a total of 6250 from negotiations + 9000 from the initial offer.
Missions payouts are... Screwy. For Season 3, there weren't any good guidelines for what Missions should pay, and each writer had different ideas. You could get crazy good pay for some relatively easy Missions, and so little money for really tough jobs that you go "WHy the HELL would my character even consider this"? (Burning bridges comes to mind for that last one. I know that had I not wanted the karma and to run the mission, my character would have walked away from it).

We're hoping to set some better guidelines for a lot of this stuff in Season 4.

(I know, I know, I say "Season 4" a lot. Can't be helped. It's a little ways off yet, but it's the first place we'll get the chance to implement these things. With the Promotion System going into effect, it'll also be a chance to put a lot of characters on a level playing field for these new rules and guidelines as well.)

QUOTE (LurkerOutThere @ Jul 6 2010, 01:36 PM) *
It's 250 X TR per net hits, his math should be right. As the pornomancer in question I think I did my bit for the team then and there. smile.gif Of coruse then over the course of the rest of the mission I had to shoot myself.

*doh* A.D.D. text skimming get's me again smile.gif
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