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Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > Shadowrun Missions
Just curious how this run went for others (which I realize for most of you was a ways back). I'm particularly interested as a new GM and player what strategies paid off in making the hit look like an accident.

Our team didn't fare too well, but my PC had a real bad feeling about meeting just to get paid and wasn't there to get massacred by the Red Sam-level hit team.
Went easy for us-- lots of prepping, but once we found out that the target...

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QUOTE (SaintHax @ Apr 26 2010, 03:36 PM) *
Went easy for us-- lots of prepping, but once we found out that the target...

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Ah. Our GM had the guards with him...otherwise we were considering that basic approach.
Black Jack Rackham
Actually, the module specifically leaves the target's comings and goings vague. That way, individual GMs can make him tougher/easier to find based on Table Rating/personal judgement.


(I like giving frameworks and letting individual GMs put their own personal touches.)

And for the record I've heard of using a very powerful spirit to bring an avalanche down on the house, making a deal with the target, and sealing the house until all are unconscious from lack of oxygen then goign in as viable solutions.
Blue DragonFly
I believe an avalanche was used when i ran it or maybe it was a skiing accident...
sir stenz
Yeah, my players used an avalanche too....
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