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Full Version: 3rd Ed. Shadowrun Mud Seeks Players
Dumpshock Forums > Discussion > GM/Players Registry
Hoi chummers.

Ever wish you could just play some SR without having to gather a bunch of people?
Wish you could just jump in a game for an hours and hours one night then only play a little while the next night?
Get tired of playing SR with the same people again and again?
Does your schedule make it difficult if not impossible to participate in a regular SR game?

If you answered yes to any of these, come try out Deckeon.

Deckeon is a 100% free Multi User Dungeon, or MUD for short, that uses the 3rd edition SR rules, we have many areas and a working matrix as well. Don't like muds? Think they're all about killing and leveling? Not true for Deckeon. We have several active GM's many of whom still have campaigns or run's for the unsuspecting player.
You can learn more about this amazing game at

If you're new to muds, you'll want to download a client, I'd reccomend MUSHCLIENT. Its simple, easy to use, and has plenty of features. Once you've got your client installed you'll just connect to port 2065 and you'll be ready to make your first character!
Always looking for more players.

As an added bonus, if you make a character and log on within the next half hour, you can get in on a genuine GM run as done by the book.
do you know where i can get this mushclient program??
Ah nice to see this is still alive and kicking =). Unless its changed you can also get karma for RPing too that was always a + in my book back in the day =)
Hmm, didn't make it passed chargen :-s. Intriguing MUD though.
QUOTE (Senjin24 @ May 22 2010, 08:02 PM) *
do you know where i can get this mushclient program??

I just typed MUSHCLIENT into a web search program and got several hits, including a wikipedia article.

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