Hi, I'm a longtime lurker. I only got to play 2nd ed. once back in '99, but was hooked right away.
Collected both SR and ED novels in two languages, and own a few source books too.
Love the site, with all the data, smack-talk, and humor.
Now to business:
Reading Shadowrun just isn't enough anymore! I want a movie, however I think a series would suit the setting better.
Something with a wide story arc. Many different runner-teams working towards a shrouded goal.
Each team gets a couple of episodes allotted, and sometimes there's cross-pollination. Having a fixed cast would not work here. Maybe the anchor could be semi-rigid. A fixer telling the story, perhaps an exec, or a retired runner reminiscing. Maybe even a dragon (like Wyrm Talk).
Hollywood and major producers would just screw this sort of thing up. This can only be achieved by fans.
As it happens, I'm a member at a board that collaboratively produces movies covering Zero- to Low-Budget with surprisingly good quality.
Wreck-a-Movie are the folks that brought you the parody 'Star Wreck - In the Pirkinning', and the upcoming 'Iron Sky' with the evil Nazi's attacking Earth from their base on the dark-side of the Moon. There are quite a few productions that have been completed (music videos, animations, horror) and new ones keep popping up (someone even started an Opera!).
I mainly contribute in the form of constructive criticism, hard to find detailed information, and anything else I can think of. But I don't think I'm quite ready to start my own production. No matter how much I'd like a SR-Film.
With this dedicated community, I bet there are some fans willing to take a look at Wreck-a-Movie, and let's see what we can accomplish!
How would you go about making, say, a Shadowrun TV-Series?
What subjects would you cover?
What would you like to see in such a series?
Can you think of any important questions that I missed?